Which Law Firm Should You Instruct?

With all the law firms out there competing for your business, it is no wonder that clients get confused about which firm to take on their claim! Hence why I write this blog today – to hopefully point out a few of the items which you can look for in a firm to help with your search:

100% of your compensation

Before instructing a firm, you should check through the no win, no fee agreement thoroughly. You should be checking to ensure you will always receive 100% of your compensation, with no deductions or hidden charges whatsoever. Compensation is meant to put you in the position you would have been in had you not suffered the accident – any reduction to this money would be unfair and unjust.

Solicitors costs, is the cost of the time spent on running your claim. You should check your no win no fee agreement through properly and ask all the necessary questions to ensure you will not be paying any of these costs. If you win your claim a solicitor recovers these costs from the other side, and if you lose your claim, the law firm should have insurance in place to cover their losses.

Service standards

You should research the law firm you wish to instruct thoroughly, and not be afraid of asking what client care policies they have in place.  Examples of such policies could be – returning client calls and e-mails within 24 hours, and updating clients on the progress of their cases every 14 days.

Those added extras….

The above list displays some of the more crucial aspects that you should check for in a law firm; however, there are some firms out there which will set themselves apart by offering a fuller, all round service. I have gone on to list some of these services below:

Medical treatment – some firms will arrange private medical treatment for you as part of your claim. At The Injury Lawyers, we are able to arrange private medical treatment at the early stages of our client’s claims. This treatment can include physiotherapy, osteopathic, and even chiropractic assistance at no cost to you – whether the claim wins or loses, we claim the treatment costs from the other side or from insurance.

Vehicles repairs and vehicle hire – this can be a valued to service to anyone that has been in a road traffic accident, and as a result has a damaged vehicle. We can include this to give you one full bespoke road accident assistance service – at no costs to you whatsoever!

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