Whiplash Claim Calculator

There is only one true way you can calculate how much a claim for compensation:

  • With an independent specialist personal injury lawyer; and
  • An independent medical report from a fully qualified medico-legal expert

Any other way is simply guesswork, estimations, and averages. You can only be guaranteed to receive the maximum payout with the above combination.

You can use a Whiplash Calculator to give you an idea as to how much your whiplash claim could be worth. Pop your details on to the one on our home page and you should receive a text with an estimated amount based on what you put in to the calculator.

For whiplash claims calculation, you should be entering injuries related to whiplash, your neck, your back, and your shoulders. These are the commonly affected areas for a whiplash claim. You will also need to confirm the severity of the injury for a calculation to be made.

There is of course one important question to ask – which band of whiplash does your injury fit in to?

Generally speaking, there are three bands – minor, moderate, and severe. It’s impossible to guarantee the right answer without a fully qualified injury lawyer, and an expert medical report; and it’s difficult at the early stages of your injury to guess which category you might fit in to. Always remember that the calculators give you an idea as to how much your claim could potentially be worth based on the information you put in to it, and normally the JSB Guidelines (official guidelines injury lawyers and judges at court use to value claims for compensation).

Whiplash Claims Calculations

The list below can give you a general idea as to how much your claim could potentially be worth:

  • Minor Whiplash Injuries – £875 to £5,150
  • Moderate Whiplash Injuries – £5,150 to £16,400
  • Severe Whiplash Injuries – £97,000!

Realistically, you should always get the advice of a professional injury lawyer to find out how much your claim could potentially be worth, and to find out what you should be doing. To make sure you maximise what you are potentially entitled to recover, you need to instruct an independent firm of specialist personal injury lawyers on a Genuine No Win No Fee basis; meaning you receive 100% of your compensation, no deductions, no hidden charges.

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