Untraced and Uninsured Road Claims

If you have been unlucky enough to have been involved in a road traffic accident with a third party that was uninsured, or fled the scene of the accident and cannot be traced, where you are injured as a result you can still make a claim for compensation for those injuries.  This is because there is an organisation called the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (‘MIB’) who have been set up to deal with these types of claim where the negligent third party driver is either uninsured or untraced. 

Do not fear that because the other side have no insurance or have not stuck around that you cannot make a claim for compensation for your injuries; to be unable to do so would simply be unfair.  To make a claim for compensation, you are required to submit an MIB claim form.  This is relatively straightforward, but is always recommended that you have a quality injury lawyer on your side so that they can take you through the process and make sure that you get the best advice and maximum compensation you deserve.

At The Injury Lawyers, we have a wealth of experience in dealing with road traffic accident claims, and can both show you how to fill out an MIB claim form, and guide you through the claims process.  We work on a genuine no win, no fee agreement which means that we will not charge you a penny for our work.  This is because we can recover our costs from the other side.  This is even if you lose.  We can do this because we only ever take on your claim if we believe it has genuine prospects of success and so it is actually rare for your claim to be unsuccessful.

The MIB helps out over 25,000 people bring claims against negligent third party uninsured or untraced drivers who have suffered injuries.  They can provide compensation, because every year, through insured drivers’ insurance premiums, £15-30 goes to their compensation fund.

 If you think you have a claim for compensation, and the other side have no insurance or have driven off, give a quality injury lawyer a call and make the first steps to a successful claim for your injuries and vehicle damages.  Naturally, we would always advise that you should seek medical attention for the injuries you have suffered.  Your health and wellbeing is the most important priority.

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