So, You Want To Make A Claim For Compensation?

I feel that there may be many blameless victims of accidents sat out there thinking that claiming for compensation is more hassle than it is worth. I am writing this blog to hopefully change this view and inform you of the benefits of bringing a claim, as they may go farther than you might think…


The most obvious reason why people begin claims for personal injury is for compensation for their injuries.  This compensation is meant to reflect the severity of the injury, the length of time the person has suffered, and the effects the injury has had on all areas of a person’s life.

Compensation is meant to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident never have happened. Therefore, you are also entitled to claim back any financial losses you have suffered as a result of the accident. More common types of losses can include a loss of earnings, or the cost of medical treatment.

100% of your compensation

With firms such as The Injury Lawyers, you’ll receive 100% of your compensation, with no deductions, and no hidden charges to pay. If we as a law firm took a percentage of this settlement, the whole idea of the compensation putting you back in your pre-accident position would be undermined.

No costs for you pay

Solicitor’s costs are the costs of your solicitor’s time in running your claim – these costs can run into the thousands of pounds. If you instruct the right law firm from the outset, and check the no win no fee agreement thoroughly (sometimes called a Conditional Fee Agreement), you should not have to bear any of your solicitor’s costs, win or lose the claim.

With firms such as The Injury Lawyers, if you win your claim, your solicitor’s costs are recovered from the other side, and if you lose your claim, insurance is in place to cover the firm’s losses. Therefore, you should never have to pay any costs, and this should be reflected in your agreement.

Medical Treatment

At The Injury Lawyers, we are able to arrange private treatment at the early stages of your claim, and at no cost to our clients whatsoever – win or lose, the costs are either recovered by the other side, or from insurance. This treatment can cover physiotherapy, osteopathy, or chiropractic treatment.

Better health and safety standards

Often by beginning a claim for personal injury, it heightens the Defendant’s awareness of safety issues, and gives them the impetus to rectify problems and tighten their safety policies so the same accident does not happen to someone else.

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