Road Accident Claims

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident and it was through no fault of your own, you may have a claim for compensation. If you are reading this blog you are likely to be in this situation and looking for a personal injury firm to take on your claim.

Choosing the right law firm for your claim…

There are many law firms and referral agencies out there vying for your business, so it is understandably hard to make that all important choice as to where to take your claim. I have therefore set out below some benefits which you should look out for when choosing a law firm to instruct for your claim:

  1. 100% of your compensation – you should receive all of your compensation, with no deductions whatsoever. This should be backed up in writing.
  2. No costs for you to pay, win or lose your claim – if your claim is won your solicitor’s costs should be claimed from the other side, and if your claim is lost, insurance should cover your solicitor’s losses.
  3. Service standards – do not be afraid to ask your solicitor what client care policies or service standards they have in place. You should be looking out for things such as returning client calls and e-mails within a certain time period (such as on a same day basis, or within 24 hours) and clients to be given regular updates on their claim.
  4. No referral fees– you should go to a law firm direct so no payments are being made to agencies for your claim. This means that you should receive the fullest service possible.

The claiming process…

 If your accident took place after 30th April 2010, and is between the value of £1000 and £10,000, it is likely to be run through the Road Traffic Accident portal. This is a relatively new, faster, more streamlined system which is completed electronically.

The system begins with completing a Claim Notification Form – a good solicitor will take you through completing this form. Once this is sent to the other side an acknowledgement should be received the following day and their response regarding liability received within 15 business days.

Once liability has been admitted on your claim it moves to Stage 2 of the process. It is within this stage that your solicitor will arrange for you to be medically examined and will also collate all your financial losses as a result of the accident. Your losses together with a medical report(s) will be disclosed to the other side in order to invite offers on your claim.

Should you require any further information regarding the above then please feel free to give The Injury Lawyers a call.

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