Whiplash Symptoms

At The Injury Lawyers we are seeing cases of whiplash more and more frequently. One of the reasons for this may be that there seems to be an increased number of road accidents which are one of the most common causes of whiplash. Whatever the reason for this increase, at The Injury Lawyers we are equipped to deal with your claim, and we treat whiplash with the utmost seriousness and respect it deserves.

The reason why the main cause of whiplash is road traffic accidents is that the cause of the condition is through a jolt to the head / neck area. This is very common in road accidents and many do not realise they have whiplash until a few hours later, or even the following day. This is because whiplash does not become apparent in most people until 6 – 12 hours after the accident itself; it’s therefore common for people not to report injury at the scene but then suffer later on.

The symptoms that people can suffer from are:

  • Pain, tenderness and / or stiffness in the neck
  • Pain radiating down the shoulders and / or into the back
  • Pins and needles type sensations in the arms
  • Severe, recurrent headaches
  • Reduced or even no mobility in the neck and affected areas

Whiplash can be an unpredictable condition with regards to recovery periods as a doctor may predict that you will recover in 3 months when you are still suffering 1 year down the line. This is why it can be crucial to get the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer with experience in whiplash claiming from the outset.

I have listed some further benefits that you may wish to look out for when choosing a lawyer to take on your claim:

  1. 100% compensation – this fact should be reflected in your no win no fee agreement and no deductions should be taken from your compensation whatsoever.
  2. No costs for you to pay – win or lose your claim you should not be paying solicitor’s costs. If your claim is won these can be recovered from the other side, and if your claim is lost, insurance should cover some of  your solicitor’s losses.
  3. Service standards – with this you are looking for standards such as returning client calls and e-mails within a specific time (e.g. 24 hours) or updating clients regularly on their case (at least every 14 days)
  4. Medical package – many law firms such as The Injury Lawyers offer to arrange private medical treatment such as physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic assistance at no cost to their clients.

If you require any further information please feel free to give The Injury Lawyers a call.

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