Road Accident Claims Advice

At The Injury Lawyers we are expert injury lawyers with a vast amount of experience in dealing with personal injury claims having done so every day for numerous years.

We therefore realise that, as far as compensation claiming goes, road traffic accident claims can often be straightforward.  This is because it is often quite clear exactly who is at fault, and an early admission of liability if often forthcoming – meaning that we can get your claim settled in no time at all.

For example, if you are in a stationary vehicle, and someone collides at speed with the rear of your vehicle, and as a result you suffer whiplash, you have a great chance of winning your claim for compensation, as it is clear that the third party is at fault. Under the new road traffic accident protocol, you could have their admission of liability within two weeks or less of notifying them of your wish to bring a claim for compensation.

At The Injury Lawyers we are aware that there is a myth-conception that your personal injury claim will take years and that the whole process is in fact an arduous process.  This is not correct.  Whilst a couple of years ago your straightforward road traffic accident claim could take almost a year, a new process which has been recently brought in means that your road traffic accident claim can be finalised in a matter of months, maybe even weeks.  Here is a quick guide to the new process, explaining the differences between the old system:

Under the new protocol you will be required to submit a Claims Notification Form online to the negligent third party’s insurer.  This just explains what happened in your accident and records you and your vehicles’ details.  Previously you would prepare a Letter of Claim which similarly recorded the accident details and this would be submitted to the other side.  The difference now is that your claim form goes straight to the insurer, which is done electronically, and they only have one business day, not 21 days, to acknowledge your Claims Notification Form.

Once your Claims Notification Form has been acknowledged, the third party insurer has a period of 15 days in which to admit or deny liability.  Previously they had a period of 3 months to investigate your claim.  Straightaway you can see the difference between the new and old systems and you will realise just how efficient the new system is.

Where liability is admitted, you will be required to attend a medical expert so that a legal medical report can be compiled.  This will be done at a time and place convenient to yourself.  Once we have your report and have confirmed that you are happy with it, we will then disclose it to the other side and negotiate a settlement for your compensation.  All in all this should not take too long at all.

Under this new road traffic accident protocol you could receive your compensation in a couple of months, or a matter of weeks.  Moreover, with an expert injury lawyer on your side you will have someone guiding you through the whole process and doing the work on your behalf.  You will be in capable hands and having nothing to worry about.

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