Whiplash Compensation

Whiplash can have extremely debilitating effects. At The Injury Lawyers we treat whiplash with the utmost seriousness as we realise, from the great amount of experience we have, that whiplash has serious effects.

Causes and Symptoms…

At The Injury Lawyers we see whiplash most commonly as a result of road traffic accidents. This is because the condition is caused by a sudden jolt to the head which causes the neck to move beyond its normal range of movement.

Whiplash is damage to the muscles and tendons in the neck, back, and shoulders area. This damage can cause the victim to have some or all of the symptoms below:

  • Pain, tenderness and / or stiffness in the neck
  • Pain radiating down the shoulders and / or into the back
  • Pins and needles type sensations in the arms
  • Severe, recurrent headaches
  • Reduced or even no mobility in the neck and affected areas

Many sufferers can feel fine after an accident and so report no injury at the scene. It is usually that night or the following day that the above symptoms begin to become apparent, they can then increase in severity for up to one week after the accident and in some cases longer.

What do you do next?

Well if you have been in a road traffic accident you should strengthen your position by taking the following actions:

  1. Take the details of the negligent driver, including their full name, address, registration number and insurers details where possible.
  2. Report the accident to the Police as a report may need to be filled out.
  3. Check for any witnesses and if present obtain their contact details.
  4. Seek the assistance of a medical professional for your injuries.
  5. Seek the advice of a specialist injury lawyer directly.

Which law firm should you choose to proceed with your claim?

You may be thinking that it is easy to say ‘seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer’ – but due to the numbers out there vying for your business it can be difficult to make an educated decision. I have therefore set out below some of the benefits which good law firms can offer which you should look out for:

  • 100% of your compensation – with no deductions and no hidden charges
  • No costs for you to pay –  win or lose your claim
  • High levels of client care – enquire what policies the firm has in place regarding this; if they do not have any it may tell you a lot about the firm. Good examples are regular updates (every 14 days) and a friendly and efficient service meeting your needs at all times
  • Medical packages – offering to arrange private medical treatment at no cost to you.
  • Free home visits

If you require any further advice regarding your whiplash claim then feel free to give us a call.

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