Whiplash Treatment

Whiplash is actually a pretty complicated injury.  There can at times be no telling how long your whiplash will last for, and the amount of pain and suffering you will have from your whiplash injury can vary significantly between different people.  If anything, and I hate to break the news to anyone who has just sustained a whiplash injury, the pain and suffering is likely to get worse before it gets better.

Some symptoms of whiplash:

  • Neck, back, shoulder pain or stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Pins and needles
  • Light-headedness / headaches


No doubt you are probably reading this blog to find out how you can cure your whiplash, or at least how to make some of the pain and suffering more palatable.  Again, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no definite cure or treatment for your whiplash injury.  That said, there are several things that you can do to help yourself:

  1. Visit your GP, an NHS walk-in centre, or a hospital as quickly as you can.  Medical experts will be on hand to talk you through the best course of action and will likely suggest that you should see a physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopathic expert.  Please bear in mind though that the NHS does have long waiting lists and this course of action does not necessarily mean you will be treated straightaway, but at least it brings it nearer.
  2. This is why you should consider this second step.  It may be best to instruct a quality injury lawyer who has years of experience dealing with personal injury claims, specifically whiplash claims, because they may be able to help you get private medical treatment at no cost to you.  For example, if you instruct us at The Injury Lawyers to deal with your claim, at the outset of your claim we can arrange for you to receive physiotherapy, chiropractic or osteopathic treatment totally free of charge for you.

How can that be free though? There must be some catch?

No – if we are successful with your whiplash compensation claim we can recover our costs from the other side meaning we can provide you the treatment free of charge to you. And if we lose, we have an insurance policy in place from which we can recover our losses from.

Not only is it a great idea to instruct a quality and expert injury lawyer on your side to make sure that you get the maximum compensation you deserve for your whiplash injury, but it is also an alternative way to making sure you get the treatment you require in a faster time.  This way you should be able to recover faster and get back to your normal daily routine.

Call us today on 0800 634 75 75 for a free confidential chat about your whiplash injury.

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