Why Make a Claim for Compensation?

There may be many accident victims out there suffering from their injuries and wondering whether to make a claim for compensation – hence the reason for writing this blog. If you have been involved in an accident that was due to the negligence of another, and you have been injured as a result, you may be entitled to make a claim. I have listed below some of the main benefits of beginning a claim, many of which you may not have realised existed.

Compensation for Injury

I will begin with the most obvious reasons why people begin claims for personal injury, and that is of course for compensation for their injuries.  This compensation is meant to reflect both the pain and suffering due to your injuries as well as your loss of amenity.  Loss of amenity means the adverse effects the injury has had on all areas of your life.

Recoup your losses

Compensation is meant to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident never have happened. Therefore, you are also entitled to claim back any financial losses you have suffered as a result of the accident. These losses are quantifiable and can make up a major part of a person’s claim – especially when they have been absent from work and left unpaid as a result of the accident.

No costs for you pay

With firms such as The Injury Lawyers you do not have to pay any solicitor’s costs – win or lose your claim.  We are able to do this as, if you win your claim, your solicitor’s costs are recovered from the other side, and if you lose your claim, insurance is in place to cover some of the firm’s losses.  Again, you should thoroughly check your no win no fee agreement to ensure you will not be liable for any costs.

100% of your compensation

With firms such as The Injury Lawyers, you’ll receive 100% of your compensation, with no deductions, and no hidden charges to pay – so nothing less than this should be accepted. I should mention however that this fact should be reflected in your no win no fee agreement and confirmed in writing.

Medical Package

At The Injury Lawyers we are able to arrange private treatment at the early stages of your claim, at no cost to our clients. We are able to do this as, if you win your claim, the costs are recovered by the other side, or, if you lose, they can be recovered from insurance. This treatment can cover physiotherapy, osteopathy, or chiropractic assistance.

Better health and safety standards

Often by beginning a claim for personal injury, Defendants rectify whatever negligence caused your accident, for example if you tripped over raised paving this will be repaired or if you received a lack of training at work which led to your accident, then this is organised and safety standards raised.

If you require any further information regarding an accident then feel free to give us a call on 0800 634 75 75.

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