Accident at Work Claims

Depending on our work places, there are many different hazards which can be contained within it. It is the duty of our employer to ensure that we are protected as far as is reasonably possible from harm.  This duty is enshrined in many different pieces of legislation and regulations which will not be the focus of this blog – I will however discuss below some of the main reasons why accidents can occur around the work place.

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – PPE is an umbrella term for a variety of equipment which protects you from risks to your health and safety. This equipment can include safety goggles, respirators, and safety bootsbasically whatever is required  to keep you safe from the necessary risks of your job. You should be adequately trained in the use of the PPE and it should be properly maintained and stored to ensure it offers you the fullest protection.
  • Manual Handling – If your work requires you to complete manual handling tasks you should be trained in how to complete these tasks safely. Your employer should also be assessing any potentially hazardous manual handling tasks to see if they can be adapted, or if mechanical assistance can be provided.
  • General workplace safety – Employers should ensure that the workplace is generally a safe area to work within. Obvious examples of this should be safe electrics with no exposed wiring, no trip or slip hazards as far as is reasonably possible, and no faulty equipment which could cause harm.

If you feel that your employer has fallen short of any of the duties above then you may have a claim for personal injury. At The Injury Lawyers we realise that claiming against your employer can be a challenging task, but we advise our clients that employers should have insurance in place to deal with these sorts of situations, and that if they treated you any differently due to the claim, then they could get in a great deal of trouble.

At The Injury Lawyers we offer free confidential claim assessments together with the following benefits should you instruct us for your claim:

  • 100% of your compensation – with no deductions and no hidden charges.
  • No costs for you to pay – this is the case whether you win or lose your claim, and this fact is reflected plainly in our Genuine No Win, No Fee Agreement.
  • High service standards – we have policies in place to return client calls and e-mails within 24 hours if not on the same day, and update our clients on the progress of their claim every 14 days.
  • Medical care package – we are able to arrange private medical treatment at no cost to our clients. This treatment includes physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic assistance.

If you require any further information regarding your accident at work claim, then feel free to give The Injury Lawyers a call.

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