Product Liability

If you have been injured as a result of a faulty/contaminated product, you would bring your claim as a Product Liability Claim. I will discuss two common types of Product Liability below:

Faulty Products

The first point to make is that Product Liability claims can be difficult claims to run and difficult to be successful with. This is firstly due to the fact that the claim can go between the sellers and the manufacturers as to who is to blame, and secondly manufacturers of products can be difficult to locate; so this can be an added struggle.

In saying this, if you have been injured as a result of a faulty product then you may have a strong claim for personal injury directly against the seller in any event, so it is worth getting some legal advice on the matter. At The Injury Lawyers we offer free claims assessments, so you have nothing to lose by picking up the phone and asking about your options.

We place a large amount of trust in the items that we purchase, as these are the items that we may consume or give to our children to play with.  For the most part we are correct to place out trust in these items as they should have been thoroughly checked and tested before being placed on the shelves to sell.  This being said, there are a small proportion of people who do get injured from products that they have trusted and purchased, and as a result they need to make a claim for their injuries. A faulty product can range from a seat that collapses beneath you, to contaminated food products.

If you have been injured through a faulty product it is advisable to:

  1. Keep the product in it’s original state.
  2. Keep your proof of purchase for the product.
  3. Report the product to the seller immediately.
  4. Seek medical advice if necessary.

Cosmetic Procedures

At The Injury Lawyers we tend to get a lot of clients approaching us after being injured through receiving laser hair removal treatment that has been performed negligently. The intensity of the laser hair removal should be adapted to the person depending on your skin tone and hair colour, a patch test of the area should also be performed prior to any treatment. It is these areas where salons can fall down thus causing injury – if this is you, you may be entitled to compensation.

If you require any further information regarding your claim please feel free to give us a call and we would be happy to discuss your claim in complete confidence.

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