Road Traffic Accidents on a Roundabout

Many people can find roundabouts difficult to navigate. This is usually because the person may not know exactly where they are going and which exit off the roundabout to take – this can cause accidents and thus cause roundabouts to be one of the biggest accident hotspots.

I have listed below some of the most common reasons for accidents occurring on a roundabout:

  • Negligent drivers cutting across lanes to take their exit, thus causing panic in other drivers as well as collisions.
  • Negligent drivers not taking heed of traffic coming to a stop in front of them, causing a rear end shunt at the entrance to the roundabout.
  • Negligent drivers entering a roundabout without making the necessary checks that the path ahead of them is clear, thus causing a collision.
  • Negligent drivers not giving priority to traffic entering the roundabout to the right of them, thus causing a collision

If you have suffered an accident such as that described above then you may have a strong claim for personal injury. If this is indeed the case then you will be considering where to take your claim. This decision can be one of the most difficult parts of making a claim; I have therefore set out some handy tips on what you can look out for in a law firm:

100% of your compensation: At The Injury Lawyers we always guarantee that our clients receive 100% of their compensation, with no deductions, and no hidden charges to pay. We back this promise up in writing in our Genuine No Win No Fee Agreement.

No costs for you to pay: this should be the case whether your claim wins or loses, and should be reflected in the terms of your no win no fee agreement. The reason why firms such as The Injury Lawyers can afford to do this is because if the case wins we recover our costs from the other side, and if your claim loses we have insurance to cover some of our losses. The rest we simply write off.

High service standards: At The Injury Lawyers we have policies in place to update our clients every 14 days and return client calls and e-mails within 24 hours if not on the same day. You should not be afraid to enquire into the client care standards of a firm, if they tell you there are none, then this may tell you a lot about the firm.

Medical Package: At The Injury Lawyers, we can arrange private medical treatment such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic assistance right from the outset of your claim at no cost to you.

If you require any further information about claiming for your road traffic accident then feel free to give The Injury Lawyers a call and we would be happy to help.

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