Slip, Trip and Fall Claims

If you have been involved in a slip, trip, or fall accident, and this accident was due to the negligence of another, you may have a strong claim for personal injury.  At The Injury Lawyers we tend to see these types of claims originate from supermarkets, shopping malls and high streets – I have gone on to list some specific examples of accidents we see below:

  • Slipping on a spillage negligently left uncleaned in a supermarket.
  • Tripping on broken paving on the pavement.
  • Falling down an uncovered manhole on the street, or the manhole having no adequate warning signs or cordons.
  • Tripping over a raised or unsecured utility cover.

If any of the above have happened to you then you may have a strong claim for personal injury.  If this is the case then there are a few actions which you can take to strengthen your position: I have listed some of these below:

  1. Report the accident – reporting an accident provides good evidence that it actually occurred. If your accident was in a supermarket for example then an accident report may need to completed. This report should accurately reflect the accident circumstances and your injuries as it can provide evidence both for and against your claim.
  2. Check for any witnesses – if any are present it can be beneficial to obtain their contact details as they may be required to support your claim later on down the line.
  3. Take photographic evidence – it is important to do this as soon as possible after your accident before any repairs / changes to the area are carried out.
  4. Get medical assistance for your injuries – this may seem obvious; however, it also allows the doctor to place a record in your medical notes – thus providing further support to your claim should this be required.
  5. Seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer – this should be done as soon as possible after your accident whilst the events are fresh in your mind. Furthermore it is common for CCTV footage to be destroyed within 2 – 4 weeks, so if you contact a law firm early enough we can request that any CCTV covering your accident is retained.

The Injury Lawyers are specialist in the area of personal injury, if you require further advice regarding the above then feel free to give us a call.

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