Third Party Capture

It is fair to say that insurers are not too keen on people who make personal injury claims; especially successful ones, and this is simply because it costs them money – in some cases an awful lot of money

At the end of the day though, if you have genuinely been injured in an accident which was not your fault, and you have suffered pain and a loss of amenity, you need recourse. This recourse comes in the form of compensation.  Just because insurers do not like paying out does not mean you should not seek to bring your claim for compensation.

It is also fair to say that those people who do bring claims for compensation would like to be compensated as soon as possible.  Although I do not believe nowadays making a claim for compensation is a particular hassle, I can understand that in an ideal world you would love your compensation tomorrow – that would be brilliant.  It is for this reason that some people fall victim to something called ‘third party capture’.

Third party capture is where the negligent party’s insurer will try and settle your claim for compensation directly with you.  In other words, the insurer will come to you, say they are very sorry, offer you some money for your injuries, and once you accept this, no matter how long your injuries last thereafter, your claim for compensation has been settled.  Hold on – why is this a problem? You have your compensation much faster than if you instructed an expert injury lawyer? In most cases that may be true, but from our experience at The Injury Lawyers, we recognise that the compensation accepted by victims of other’s negligence is generally far lower than what they would have received with an injury lawyer on their side. 

At the end of the day what you have to realise is that the insurer is more than likely trying to get away from your compensation claim as cheaply as possible.  If they can get you to agree to a quarter of the compensation you would receive if you had an injury lawyer on their side, and get away from having to pay your lawyers costs, that is a substantial saving for them.  Is it really worth accepting a deal direct from the insurer, or referring your claim to a quality injury lawyer who potentially within a few months later will get the maximum compensation you deserve? What’s more, accepting an offer without any medical evidence is like shooting in the dark – no one has any idea what it’s worth unless you have a proper medical examination of your injuries with a medico-legal expert. The amount they offer you is based on guesswork.

If you believe you should be compensated for the injuries and suffering you have sustained as a result of accident, get in touch with The Injury Lawyers today and we will advise you on the prospects for success of your claim.  It is great to know as well that we at The Injury Lawyers do not charge our clients a penny for their claim – so the maximum compensation we recover for you would go entirely to you.

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