Whiplash Guide

How is whiplash caused?

At The Injury Lawyers we tend to see whiplash most commonly caused by a road traffic accident – the reason for this being that the injury is caused through a jolt to the head / neck area.  This in turn damages muscles and tendons around the area, causing the symptoms of whiplash.

Have you got whiplash?

The symptoms of whiplash usually come on a few hours after your accident, or even in the following few days. The symptoms experienced depend on the person and on the severity of the accident; I have listed some of the more common types of symptoms below:

  • Pain, tenderness and / or stiffness in the neck
  • Pain radiating down the shoulders and / or into the back
  • Pins and needles type sensations in the arms
  • Severe, recurrent headaches
  • Reduced or even no mobility in the neck and affected areas

How long will I suffer from whiplash?

With regards to recovery from the condition, whiplash can be an extremely unpredictable condition. Often doctors may predict that you will recover in, for example, 3 months, when you are still suffering 6 months to a year down the line.

Do I have a claim for compensation?

If you have been in an accident, which was due to another person’s negligence and you have been injured as a result, you may have a strong claim for compensation.

What do you do next?

One of the first actions you should take, if you have not already done so, is to visit your General Practitioner a walk in centre / medical facility. Your GP will give you a diagnosis and advice as to any potential treatment you may need. It is then advisable to contact a specialist personal injury lawyer directly.  Many law firms such as The Injury Lawyers offer free claims assessments, so you have nothing to lose by simply getting some free legal advice and assessing your options.

What are your treatment options?

If you choose a law firm carefully you may have the added benefit of them arranging private medical treatment at no cost to you right from the start of the claim. At The Injury Lawyers we can arrange treatment such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic assistance at the early stages of our client’s claim. This means that you will not have to wait on what can be lengthy NHS waiting lists, and you will get your treatment at a time and location convenient for you.

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