Personal Injury Solicitors

The Injury Lawyers are an independent firm of personal injury experts. When I say independent, I mean that we are not linked to any insurance company, so we fight tooth and nail to maximise your compensation amount. We are also not a claims referral company – we have qualified solicitors and legal executives in house ready to deal with your claim. So we do not sell claims on for profit, nor do we buy any claims from insurers, claims companies, garages, or other companies / persons; we are proud to say that all our clients come to us directly and we feel that this says a lot about the service we provide and the results we get for our clients. In the following blog I will be discussing the various benefits that The Injury Lawyers offer and the reason why so many clients come to us directly everyday requesting our services.

Genuine No Win No Fee Agreement

We offer all our clients what we like to call a Genuine No Win No Fee Agreement. We say genuine as there are no hidden charges for you to pay whether you win or lose your claim. This gives you that added peace of mind and security to pursue your personal injury claim in confidence; after all, solicitors costs can run into the many thousands of pounds so you want to know for sure that there is no onus on you to cover any of these costs. We back our promises up in writing as well.

You are probably wondering how we can afford to do this – well it depends on whether you win or lose your claim. Firstly, if you win your claim, as many of our clients do, then we claim our costs back from the other side totally separate to your compensation. It must be of note however, that solicitor’s do not always get back 100% of their costs – if the no win no fee agreement does not limit solicitors costs to whatever is recovered, you may be liable for the remainder. At The Injury Lawyers it is stated in black and white that we will not seek to recover any costs from our client if we fail to get any or all of them recovered; therefore making it the Genuine No Win No Fee Agreement.

On the other hand, if you lose your claim, we can claim back many of our losses from insurance; however we cannot claim back our time, which is why we only take on claims we feel have a good chance of winning. Any fees we lose out on are written off – We do not charge you form then at all.

You get 100% of your compensation

Unlike many other law firms we do not take any of your compensation. That means if you are awarded £2,000, you get £2,000 in full with no deductions and no hidden charges. There are no percentages taken away from your claim whatsoever.

High Service Standards

At The Injury Lawyers we pride ourselves on providing high service standards to our clients. These standards include updating our clients every 2 weeks on the progress of their claim, and returning clients calls and e-mails within 24 hours if not on the same day. This ensures that you are not left wondering how your claim is going and having to chase people for answers. This also ensures that your claim is regularly worked on and not being left to stagnate with unreturned correspondence dragging the process out for you.

Medical Package

The Injury Lawyers have a great deal of experience with many different types of personal injury claiming – this has lead us to build up contacts within the medical world. As such we can offer to arrange private medical treatment at no cost to you from the outset of your claim. This treatment can include physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic assistance for which waiting lists on the NHS can be lengthy. This may make all the difference to you getting back on your feet quicker and back to normal life.

No hassle, friendly service

We aim to make our service as friendly and efficient as possible, and to make our advice plain and simple with no legal jargon. We also make ourselves as accessible to our clients as much possible – our offices are open on weekdays 9am until 10pm and at weekends 9am until 5pm. We find that our clients are extremely grateful for this as it fits around their working life. If you are badly injured and require a home visit, we come out to you free of charge wherever you are in the country.

If you need any further advice regarding the service that we offer here at The Injury Lawyers then feel free to give us a call and we would be happy to help.

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