Whiplash Claims

At The Injury Lawyers we are experts in the field of personal injury as this is the only type of law we deal with.  Importantly, we have vast experience in dealing with claims for compensation for whiplash injuries.  When we receive a whiplash claims we give it our utmost attention because we know how serious a whiplash injury can be – as many of my colleagues can testify.  This blog gives a brief outline of a whiplash injury and how to make a claim for compensation for your whiplash injury.


Most of our whiplash claims arise from road traffic accidents – typically where our client has been correctly proceeding in their vehicle and a negligent third party has collided with the rear of their vehicle.  What this means is that our clients head and neck area is suddenly jolted and a whiplash injury ensues.  That said, whiplash injuries occur in other types of road traffic accidents and we have also come across them in sporting accidents where again the person’s neck is suddenly jerked.


It is not necessarily straight after your accident that you will notice your whiplash injuries; it can come some hours after the accident.  Interestingly, no one person necessarily has the same symptoms as another, and the severity can differ from victim to victim.  Here are a few symptoms which you may be suffering in different severities:

  • Headaches
  • Pins and needles in your arms
  • Stiffness of the neck
  • Shoulder/back pain
  • Reduced mobility


There is no set treatment for whiplash – it really depends on the amount of suffering you are experiencing and the symptoms you are showing.  The best thing to do is to attend a hospital or visit your GP who will be able to properly diagnose you and suggest the best way forward.

How to make a claim:

Contact an expert injury lawyer and provide them with the details of your accident.  If they believe that you were not at fault for the accident and that it has good prospects of success they will be able to provide you free legal representation to make sure you get the maximum compensation you deserve for your whiplash injury.

How much is your claim worth?:

The answer to this question truly depends on the amount of suffering you are experiencing and the length of time you have suffered with your whiplash injury.  A whiplash injury more severe and lasting 9 months may be worth more than a whiplash lasting 3 months and one that is considered minor.  That is why you need to seek the advice of an expert injury lawyer, who with the help of a medical report, will be able to properly value your claim.

For some free legal advice call The Injury Lawyers today!

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