Child Claims

Has your child been injured in an accident which was not their fault? Do you believe that they have a claim for compensation? Are you not sure how to proceed?  Here are a few points that may help you in this situation.

Where an individual is under the age of 18, they are required by law to have a litigation friend to represent them and deal with their claim for compensation.

A litigation friend is a responsible adult who acts on the behalf of a minor i.e. a person under the age of 18, for the claim for compensation. A litigation friend can be the parent, guardian, or a family friendThe litigation friend must have the minor’s best interests at heart, and be in regular contact with them.

When a litigation friend is appointed to represent the minor, this will not hold up or delay the claim in anyway.  The litigation friend will complete some paper work that authorises them to deal with the claim on behalf of the minor, and will also respond to any correspondence relating to the claim.

If you wish to speak to someone direct about a claim for your child, contact The Injury Lawyers who will be happy to provide you with free legal advice on how to proceed.

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