Car Accident Claims

If, in the eyes of the law, the road traffic accident you have been involved in which has led to your injuries is relatively minor and straightforward, claiming for compensation is a very straightforward process.  As of the 30th April 2010 a new protocol was introduced for these sorts of road traffic accident claims which means that in a matter of weeks or a couple of months your compensation claim could be settled.

Nowadays making a claim for compensation for a road traffic accident involves submitting a simple form over the internet, waiting a day for the other side to acknowledge it, then giving them 15 days to investigate your accident. Once liability is admitted, getting a medical report compiled and settling your claim on the best terms is just as quick with the right lawyer on board for the claim. Your compensation could genuinely be sorted in a matter of weeks.

The first stage of your claim is to instruct a quality injury lawyer who specialises in road traffic accident claims.  They should know what they are doing and be able to get the ball rolling on your claim straightaway.

The second step is to complete a Claims Notification Form.  Your injury lawyer will take you through this, which I can assure you, is quite a simple process.  You just have to set out the accident circumstances and provide the details of the negligent driver primarily.  Do not worry if you do not have their name – as long as you have their registration number, your injury lawyer can do a search for their insurance details using the relevant databases we have access to.

After that, your injury lawyers will submit your Claims Notification Form on a Ministry of Justice online portal and the negligent driver’s insurers will have one day to acknowledge the claim.

Then the other side’s insurers have a period of 15 working days to investigate your claim and admit or deny liability.  This is not to say that it will take 15 days – they could well come back with an admission of liability within a day; but they are allowed the full 15 days to respond by law.

Once an admission of liability is received, your injury lawyer will set you up a medical appointment at a time and place convenient for you.  They will wait to get the report back, check it through, make sure you are happy with it, and seek your permission to disclose it to the other side.

Your injury lawyers will then seek to settle your claim, again with your permission, on the best terms to ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries.  All in all, your claim could be sorted in a matter of weeks or a month or two.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident which was not your fault and you wish to make a claim for compensation for the injuries you have suffered as a result, why not get in touch with The Injury Lawyers today who will be on hand to offer you free legal advice and quality representation.  If you instruct us to deal with your claim you would not be charged a penny for our work!

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