Uninsured and untraceable drivers – Motor Insurance Bureau

Having a car accident is a bad enough experience; but when you find out the person that crashed into you is uninsured, you fill with dread and worry about the financial burden of damages.

However, this does not need to be the case anymore – the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB), a not for profit organisation, is able to stand in for the defendant and allow you to make a claim for your injuries and losses.

The MIB has a central fund which is contributed to by motor insurers. In effect, these contributions come from insurance premiums paid by the public. You will be contributing a small amount to this fund through your own insurance premium.

If the defendant refuses to give insurance details then this should be reported to the police immediately, as it is a criminal offence to withhold insurance details under the Road traffic Act. This is one of the key criteria you can proceed with in order to claim through the MIB.

If you think you can claim through the MIB, ensure you follow the steps by clicking on this link.

This may help ease your anxiety after an accident, and so it should. The MIB can delegate its powers to a member insurance company in order to investigate the claim on its behalf. This allows your case to be treated just like any other claim.

Current European legislation alongside the MIB is aiming to provide victims of accidents with uninsured drivers the same compensation as those against insured drivers. These new measures are helping victims of traffic accidents to ease the stress of dealing with their accident and allowing them to obtain the compensation that they deserve.

Now, the MIB issues the same procedures for untraceable drivers. Firstly attempting to trace the driver involved in the accident, and if this is not possible, they represent the defendant in the case. So, following similar procedures to the uninsured drivers above, you are able to claim against an untraceable driver, easing your worries and giving you the financial security you need.

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