Whiplash Claims 101

Whiplash is the term used to describe a range of injuries to the neck that are usually caused by a very sudden movement of the head, forwards, backwards or sideways.

A whiplash injury is very common after car accidents involving a sudden impact; even those where the speed involved was quite slow. However, whiplash can also occur in other types of accidents such as sporting activities or trips and falls.

The symptoms of whiplash can be varied and may include tenderness and swelling in the neck, headaches, shooting pains from the neck and down your arms, difficulty moving your neck around, or even just pins and needles.

These symptoms may occur straight after an accident, hours later, or even days later. It is important to seek early medical help after the symptoms appear because, if undiagnosed, the victim risks making the injury much worse.

In many cases, whiplash results in some pain and discomfort for a few days or weeks with a full recovery expected in time. But, in serious whiplash cases, it can result in severe disability restricting the movement a person’s head.

If you have been involved in an car accident and you recognise the symptoms of whiplash, you may be entitled to make a whiplash claim for compensation.

Whiplash is valued through a very simple medical examination, usually lasting no more than 30 minutes at most, which can be arranged by your solicitor.

The medical examination will not just identify whether you have whiplash but also investigate the effect that the injury has had on you. People suffering from whiplash often find it to be very inconvenient as well as the painful and discomforting.

The government issues legal guidelines for the amount of compensation that should be paid for a whiplash injury. For example, if the injury is mild and you made a full recovery within a year, compensation would be in the region of £1,000 to £2,500.  However, for cases where the victim suffers permanent ongoing symptoms, the amount of compensation could be as high as £16,000 or more.

In addition to the compensation for the injury, people suffering from whiplash as the result of an accident that was not their fault will also be entitled to receive private medical treatment to help with their recover with the right solicitor. Not all Personal Injury lawyers will offer this kind of service; so, make sure you shop around first to find out who will provide you with the better care during your claim.

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