Dog Bite Claim Statistics

Dog bites against humans are rising in the UK. A 2008 NHS report showed that dog bites had increased by 40% in just 4 years to nearly 3,800 cases. There is much talk about certain breeds being more dangerous than others, but that aside there are many things that can trigger a dog attack. 77% of dog bites occur with friends or family pets, and 50% of these occur in the owner’s home. These are remarkable statistics!

One of the more disturbing facts is that dog bites are not uncommon against children. This fits in with the pack mentality that dogs still inhibit. They want to climb the hierarchy within the pack and will often seek dominance over weaker or vulnerable people.

If you or your children have been bitten by a dog, it is of course essential that you seek medical attention, regardless if your injuries seem minor. Having your injuries registered on your medical records can help the progression for any claim that you may wish to pursue. Claims for dog bites are generally made against the dog owner.

Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to make a claim against the dog owner for an injury. If the dog owner does not have any form of insurance to claim from, or does not have any assets or other means of compensating you, you may find yourself in a sticky situation.

If you would like to receive some free legal advice from expert injury lawyers about your compensation claim then don’t hesitate to give us a call.

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