Personal Injury Claims Advice

If you have been injured through no fault of your own, but through the negligence of a third party, it may be that you wish to be compensated for your injuries and suffering.  In most caes, although you are aware that you could be entitled to compensation, you are not exactly sure as to how you go about getting this compensation payout.  This blog offers a quick guide as to how to go about making a claim for compensation, and the process thereafter.

The first thing you should do is seek medical attention for your injuries.  You have to look out for number one and make sure that you’re properly advised by a GP or qualified expert.  At the end of the day, this will put you back on the road to recovery and ultimately lessen your pain and suffering.  However, once you have seen your medical expert, you should look in to instructing an injury lawyer to pursue your potential claim for compensation.

You should look to instruct an injury lawyer with sole specialism in personal injury law.  They are best placed to deal with your claim having worked on thousands of similar cases for years.  When instructing an injury lawyer, you want to make sure that they will work at no cost to you, that they will definitely fight tooth and nail to get you the maximum of compensation you deserve, and they will do this in the shortest possible time.  It is key that, not only do you recover as soon as possible, but that you get 100% of the compensation you deserve in the quickest possible time.

There are plenty of injury lawyers available who will be able to offer you free legal advice and take you through the claims process.  In brief, for most accidents other than road traffic accidents, you should have the Defendant’s position of liability (whether they accept fault) within 4 months.  The Defendant has a period of 21 days from the sending of a Letter of Claim (this outlines your accident and why your injury lawyer believes the Defendant were negligent and should pay you compensation) to acknowledge the same, and then a period of 3 months to investigate your claim.  Of course, this is the maximum time they are allowed; so the Defendant could well admit liability within a couple of weeks or months.

Where liability is admitted for your accident, your injury lawyer will arrange for you to attend a medical appointment so that a legal medical report can be compiled.  With your permission this will be disclosed to the other side and your injury lawyer will then negotiate the best settlement amount of compensation for you.  If everything goes smoothly, you could have your compensation within just a few short months.

At The Injury Lawyers we are on hand Monday to Friday 9am – 10pm and weekends between 9am and 5pm to offer you free legal advice and quality representation.  If you think you have a potential compensation claim, get in touch today for a quick chat to see if we can take your claim to the next stage.

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