Compensation Valuations

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, whether it be a road traffic accident, slip and trip, or an accident at work ( to name but a few), you can work out how much compensation you may be awarded for your injuries by using the compensation calculator.

The independent ‘Injury Lawyers’ calculator is there for you to use free of charge.  Key in the details of your injury and let the calculator work out a rough guideline amount of compensation for you.  The calculator is purely for working out compensation for your injuries based on the JSB (Judicial Studies Board) Guidelines, which are referred to as General Damages

In addition to this you may be entitled to further compensation for any losses that you have incurred as a result of the accident; Time taken off work, any future time off work, and damage to material goods that will require replacing.  These losses are referred to as Special Damages and will be in addition to the compensation calculated by the compensation calculator.

You may feel that your injury is not severe enough to make a claim and it is a lot of hassle and bother to go through with the claim process.  Check the calculator and you may be surprised and the amount your injury is potentially valued at

In any event, if you have had an accident, you should seek medical attention from your GP or a local NHS health centre to make sure that all is well with your health.  You may not suffer the first day, but in the days after the accident it is very common for the symptoms of particular types of injuries to develop (e.g. whiplash).  If you do require any treatment, such as physiotherapy, your doctor will refer you to a specialist; however, there may be a considerable waiting list to see someone.  We can offer you private medical care at no cost to help you get access to your compensation quicker.

If you are unsure how to work the calculator or would like some advice, contact the Injury Lawyers to discuss your compensation in more detail.  This is free charge with no obligation to submit a claim.   The Injury Lawyers will arrange an independent medical for you and any recommended treatment will be authorised as quickly as possible.  The invoice will be put to the defendant’s insurers to pay this for you, which is one thing less for you to worry about.

Another point that you should note is the limitation period for claiming for your accident.  The general rule is three years from the date of accident; however, if you are under the age of 18, you have three years from the date of your 18th birthday (16th birthday for Scottish claims).

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