Compensation for your Injuries

Making a claim for compensation for injuries sustained at the hands of a negligent third party is not something many people do.  In the main, this is because they have not been injured.  But for those who have been injured, nowadays they are more aware that they are able to make a claim for compensation.  Yet, in the vast majority of cases, they have never done this before.  It is not uncommon then that such people wonder how to go about making a personal injury claim and what it entails. 

So – Here is a quick guide.

Claiming for compensation is easy and in the most part you will not have to do much; your lawyers will do the hard work for you.  What you will firstly need to do is find a quality injury lawyer that you are more than happy to instruct.  You should seek an injury lawyer who will not charge you a penny for their work, can help you out with some free medical treatment, and who have vast experience in dealing with these types of claims so they know what they are doing and can progress your case in the best way possible. 

I think that it is best to make a shortlist of a few injury lawyers who you believe may be worth instructing and get in touch with them and see what they say and can offer you, then go ahead and instruct the one who has impressed you most and will do the most to get you the maximum compensation you deserve in the shortest time possible.

Once  you have now instructed your injury lawyer, what actually happens next?  First of all you will have to provide all the details of your accident and the injuries you have sustained.  Your injury lawyer will then produce a letter of claim which outlines all those details and why they believe the Defendant has been negligent.  The Defendant has 21 days to acknowledge this Letter of Claim and then a further 3 months to investigate your accident and decide whether they will admit or deny liability for it. 

It is common for the Defendant to pass the claim to their insurer or solicitor who will deal with it on their behalf.  Once liability has been admitted for your claim you will be asked to attend a medical appointment so that a medical expert can confirm that your injuries relate to the index accident and provide a prognosis.  This will, with your permission, be disclosed to the other side and offers for settlement will follow.  If all things go to plan, your claim can be done and dusted in just a few months.

With the right injury lawyer on your side you will get the maximum compensation you deserve in the shortest time possible and will barely have to lift your finger.  If you want any further advice or information then why not give The Injury Lawyers a call today to see what we can do for you.

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