Uninsured Driver Compensation Claims

At The Injury Lawyers we deal with all sorts of personal injury claims on a daily basis.  In the main they concern the innocent victims of the negligence of third party drivers.  Road traffic accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence – but when it comes to claiming compensation they are relatively straightforward matters and can be dealt with very quickly.  In most cases you will be able to provide the third party’s details and we can get the ball rolling on your claim straightaway.

But what happens if the third party was uninsured, given that it is the third party’s insurer that will normally be providing your compensation?

Naturally you can still make a claim for compensation; it is just that your compensation will be provided by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (‘MIB’) and not the third party’s insurer as they do not have one.  It would simply be unfair if you were injured like anyone else but could not be compensated because the third party had committed the criminal act of driving with no insurance.  That is why the MIB was set up in 1946 – to provide compensation to victims of uninsured drivers.

What happens is that, when you pay your insurance premium, roughly £30 goes towards the MIB compensation fund; so, should you ever have to make a claim from it, it is there to ensure you are compensated properly for your injuries.  In fact, each year over 50,000 people are provided with compensation through this fund.

If you are unsure about how to make a claim through the MIB; do not worry.  Injury lawyers like ourselves are on hand to deal with your claim for you.  Why not get in touch with us today on 0800 634 75 75 to discuss your potential claim.  We are on hand between 9am and 10pm weekdays and 9am and 5pm weekends to answer any of your queries.  Make sure you ask us about the unique way in which we work – that is, that we won’t charge you a penny for our work, our exceptional services levels, and our ability to provide you with ‘no cost’ medical treatment should you require it.

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