Efficient Car Accident Claims

Some people who are entitled to compensation for injuries that they have sustained in road traffic accidents caused by the negligence of third party drivers choose not to make a claim for compensation because they are of the view that the process is time consuming and ultimately not worth it. 

At the end of the day, it is up to you whether you want to make a claim for compensation – no-one can force you into this – but the reality of claiming for compensation in what are considered as straightforward road traffic accidents, for instance where someone drives into the back of you, is actually equally straightforward and takes little time at all.

At the end of April 2010 a new protocol was introduced which streamlined the claims process for low value road traffic accidents.  Under previous rules it could take up to 4 months for the Defendant to admit or deny liability, and then several months thereafter to settle your claim.  This was far too long; under the new protocol the Defendant has 15 business days after they are made aware of your claim to come back with their decision on liability.  This is a vast, vast improvement from 4 months.  So if people tell you that the claims process is a big hassle, all I can say is that it has improved significantly – and with the right injury lawyer on your side you won’t have to lift a finger.

The new claims process starts off with the completion of what is known as a Claim Notification Form (‘CNF’).  This simply particularises your details, the accident circumstances, and the Defendant’s details and is submitted electronically to the Defendant who has just 1 business day to acknowledge receipt of it.  They then get the 15 days to admit liability.  Once liability is admitted you will be asked to attend a medical appointment at a time and place convenient for you.  If you are happy with the report it is disclosed to the Defendant and your lawyers will settle your case on the best possible terms.  There is a real possibility that your claim could be settled in just a couple of months.

At The Injury Lawyers we are experts in our field and have considerable experience and expertise in dealing with road traffic accident claims.  Feel free to give us a call today and we can advise you as to whether you have a potential claim for compensation.  Even better, should you wish to instruct us we can actually get the ball rolling on your claim that day!

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