What happens now is that when you get in touch with an injury lawyer you will be asked to help your lawyer fill out what is called a claims notification form. This will outline your accident circumstances, the vehicles involved, the injuries you have sustained, and the parties details. This will be submitted, once completed, to the Ministry of Justice portal online and the Defendant’s insurers will have just one day to acknowledge receipt of it.
After this they then have the 15 business days to come back with their position on liability. At The Injury Lawyers we only take only cases which we genuinely believe will be successful; therefore in most of our cases an admission is received well within this 15 day period.
Once an admission of liability has been received it is time to get hold of a medical report so that your injuries can be properly linked to your accident and a prognosis can be provided. This allows your lawyers to value your claim correctly. Importantly you will have to attend a medical appointment, but this will be at a time and place convenient for yourselves and should not take long at all. Once we have your medical report back from the medical expert this will be disclosed, with your permission, to the Defendant, and it is then a case of settling your claim – which again, should not take too long either.
A few years ago claiming for compensation for injuries from a road traffic accident could be a somewhat lengthy process – it really is quick and easy now and does not take that long at all. Do not be put off if people say that claiming compensation takes ages and is not worth it. That is not the case.
If you want to know more about making a claim then seek professional advice immediately. At The Injury Lawyers we are on hand to give you that advice for free and can explain our unique way of working to you.