MIB Uninsured Driver Claims

At The Injury Lawyers we are experts in the field of personal injury law having dealt with thousands of personal injury claims over many years.
In particular we deal with an enormous amount of road traffic accident claims where our clients have been injured as a result of the negligence of a third party driver.

In 99 out of 100 cases the Defendant driver will be insured, so it is straightforward to make the claim for compensation as their insurer will pay your damages.  Unfortunately, there are cases every so often where the Defendant was uninsured.  If that’s the case, how do you get your compensation?

In most cases the actual driver will not be worth suing unless they have some financial assets in to claim from.  Does that mean you are to be left uncompensated for your injuries because the other driver has no insurance? No, and here is a quick guide as to why.

Back in 1946 an organisation called the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (or ‘MIB’) was set up to compensate the innocent victims of uninsured drivers’ negligence.  You have to admit, it would be pretty unfair if a Defendant was able to get away from compensating you for your injuries because they had committed the criminal offence of driving without insurance.  What happens then is that when we all pay our car insurance, about £30 of that goes into the MIB compensation fund.  So if you are later hit and injured by an uninsured driver, you can then make a claim from this MIB compensation fund to be compensated – and it doesn’t have any effect on your own insurance whatsoever.  Every year over 50,000 are compensated through this fund.  Though we hope it does not happen to you, it could be you one day claiming from this fund.

So, how do you go about making a claim for compensation through the MIB?  At The Injury Lawyers we would suggest that you contact an expert injury lawyer who has experience in dealing with MIB claims.  Make sure that the injury lawyer you choose works on a genuine no win, no fee basis which means that you will not get charged for their work meaning that you get to keep 100% of your compensation.  An injury lawyer will then be able to do the work for you, guide you through the process and make sure all is run smoothly.

If you have been injured by an uninsured driver and wish to make a claim for compensation for the injuries you suffered as a result, why not get in touch with us at The Injury Lawyers today where we will be more than happy to assist.

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