Claims Against Uninsured Drivers

One of the questions that sometimes crops up here at The Injury Lawyers relates to claims against uninsured drivers.  The usual course of action in a road traffic accident is to pursue the insurer of the negligent third party driver who has caused your injuries. 

In most cases the other driver will have insurance and it really is a simple process of submitting a claim form online and receiving their admission of liability within a couple of weeks.  But what happens if the other driver is not insured?  Well you could pursue the other driver themselves personally, but in the vast majority of cases they will not be worth suing (in other words, they do not have enough money to recompense you).  Instead, what you can do is make a claim through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (‘MIB’).

In 1946 the MIB was set up to provide compensation for those who have been injured by the negligence of an uninsured third party driver.  Instead of saying that they cannot be compensated because the other driver broke the law and drove with insurance, the MIB can dip into their compensation fund and pay out for your vehicle damages and injuries.  The reason they can do this is because each year every motorist contributes roughly £30 through their insurance premium to set up this fund.  Although you may not like the sound of that, at the end of the day, one day it could be you that requires this fund.  In fact, each year over 50,000 people are compensated by the MIB.

Making a claim for compensation through the MIB is quite straightforward but I would suggest that it is best to get an injury lawyer who will work for you on your side on a Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement. This means you will keep 100% of the compensation you deserve.

At The Injury Lawyers we deal with injury cases each and every day and have, over several years, built up vast experience.  We offer a quality service whereby you will be updated regularly and not be charged for our work.  If you have been in a road traffic accident with an uninsured driver, or even with an insured driver, and you wish to make a claim for compensation for the injuries you have subsequently sustained, by all means get in touch today for free on 0800 634 75 75 where we will be happy to assist in any way possible.

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