Back Injury Compensation

As I am sure you are no doubt aware, your back is one of the most important areas of your body. It’s responsible for carrying the weight of the rest of you! As a result, it’s important to look after it – but it can’t be helped when you end up with a back injury as a result of someone else’s negligence.

That’s where we step in…

You are eligible to make a claim for compensation if you have ended up with a back injury that was caused through no fault of your own. Here’s a quick guide using the three step approach we have to claiming here at The Injury Lawyers to fill you in on your claim for back injury compensation:

Step 1 – Maximising Compensation Payout

We are a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers; injury law is our bread and butter – it’s all that we do! So you have a fully qualified bespoke personal injury lawyer representing you for your claim with years and year of experience in handling back injury claims. Your lawyer’s wealth of experience and expertise gives them all the tools necessary to research your injury and provide you with the best settlement.

It’s then a case of fighting tooth and nail for the highest amount. The process of reaching your maximum settlement amount can be one heck of a bargaining process. The other side will do all they can to pay out as little as possible; their interests lie in saving money. We have to fight them with everything we have to make sure you get the highest amount. If they don’t play ball, we can take them to court!

Step 2 – Your Claim Completed Fast

We want to make sure your claim is settled in the quickest possible time. Whilst the wheels of litigation can turn slowly, we do all we can to get your claim sorted out as quickly as possible. Most straightforward claims can be resolved in six to 12 months time. There is a lot we can do to make the process much faster:

  • Work on your file and update you at least every 14 days; so, you’re always in the loop, and can sleep safely knowing we are working on your case at least every 2 weeks. Chasing the other side as regularly as this can push them for results quicker.
  • Respond to all correspondence on the same day; we don’t like to mess around! If something happens on your case, we take the necessary action on a same day basis as much as we can to prevent unnecessary delays.
  • Our bespoke service; not only are we personal injury experts, and therefore know the system of personal injury case handling inside out, but we streamline the process to ensure you a quicker payout.

Step 3 – Getting You Better and on the Road to Recovery

For us, it’s not just about fighting tooth and nail for the highest possible payout – it’s about helping you to get better faster, and get on with your life like you were doing before your back injury. That’s why we provide private medical care for all of our clients at absolutely no cost to you; even if the claim loses. So at the very least you will get private medical care at no cost to you.

Ultimately, with many back injuries, physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, or osteopathic intervention is the only way to help your back injury resolve quicker. Today I finished my final session of no cost physio for my claim, and I feel loads better. Imagine getting private medical help at no cost to you and recovering much faster from your injury.

We’re more than happy to sort out the funding of your treatment for your claim. We want to help you to get better, and get on with your life as normal whilst your claim is resolving.

Back Injury Claims

There are so many ways you can and up injuring your back through no fault of your own:

Whiplash Injuries – these are generally caused by road accidents when your neck is jerked as a result of an impact or harsh braking. It’s extremely common for the injury to radiate down in to your back, leaving you with stiffness, reduced movement, and sometimes considerable pain.

I am currently recovering from a whiplash injury, and the main areas of pain I have had, and areas that still remain, are in my back.

Heavy Lifting

All manual handling tasks should be thoroughly risk assessed by your employers to make sure that you have adequate assistance, either manual or mechanical, to make the task manageable. You should be thoroughly trained and provided with regular refresher training to ensure your lifting techniques are safe and put you in no danger at all.

You should never lift anything you feel you cannot cope with.

Slips, Trips, Falls, Impacts

If you slip on a wet floor, trip over a dangerous defect or hazard, fall down a drop (e.g a defective manhole cover), or get hit in the back with something, you can end up with a form of impact trauma injury to your back. Hopefully, nothing will be broken; but your muscles can still end up damaged, and put you in a similar position as you are with any back injury mentioned above.

Repetitive Strain Injuries

This is rather self explanatory – if your working practice has left you with a strain injury to your back, you can also make a claim. If you ever feel like you are starting to get any pain or problems, you should notify your employer immediately. If they are on notice and still fail to protect you, you have a very good claim for compensation for your injuries.

Making a Claim

To make a claim, get in touch with us and we will see whether we can offer our services for your back injury claim. We work on a 100% compensation Genuine No Win No Fee basis, so you are never charged for our legal services, and your private medical care is at absolutely no cost to you.

Feel free to get in touch!

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