Road Traffic Accidents by Uninsured Drivers

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident which was not your fault then it is highly likely that, if you have been injured, you will be able to make a claim for compensation

For instance, if someone has collided into the rear of your vehicle and you have sustained whiplash then you will probably have a claim; or if you were a passenger in a car which was involved in a collision, again you are likely to have a claim.  In most circumstances it would be the Defendant’s, that is the negligent third party’ insurer who would pay you this compensation.  But what happens if the Defendant was not insured? Does that mean you cannot be compensated?

Well there is always the option of suing the Defendant directly, but in all likelihood they won’t be worth suing – in other words, they don’t have any money to recompense you with, and so it would be a waste of time.  There is, though, another option – to make a claim from a compensation fund held by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (‘MIB’).

In 1946 the MIB was set up to cater for this exact circumstance, where you have been injured by an uninsured driver.  Each year, every motorist, when paying for their insurance premium, contributes roughly £30-£50 to the MIB compensation fund. 

To receive compensation from this fund you will need to fill out an MIB claim form and submit this to the MIB who will then assess your claim and injuries and provide you with compensation.  Although this is relatively straightforward, at The Injury Lawyers we would always recommend you instruct a quality injury lawyer who will work at no cost to yourself and will guide you through the process.  At The Injury Lawyers we have helped pursue countless claims through the MIB and would be more than happy to help or offer you any guidance you require.

If you have had an accident and the negligent third party was insured or uninsured, please do get in touch with us today for free on 0800 634 75 75 and we will endeavour to answer any questions you may have.  At the Injury Lawyers we are experts in our field and have gained a fantastic reputation for providing both an excellent service and getting out clients the maximum compensation they deserve.  We are on hand every day, every week day between 9am and 10pm and every week end day between 9am and 5pm to help you out.

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