Tripped at Work?

Have you tripped over at work, and ended up injured as a result? If you have, you may have a successful claim for compensation from your employers insurance.

To find out whether you have a claim or not, it is always best to seek advice from a specialist personal injury lawyer as soon as you can. In the meantime, the advice below should help you out a little and give you an insight in to tripping claims at work

Your Employers ARE Responsible

Your employers are responsible to ensure that your working environment is free from any articles or fixtures that could cause anyone to trip over in the workplace. This could range from a break in the floor causing a dip, to a raised section of carpet or tile causing a lip hazard, or even an item left on the floor by a colleague.  These are all circumstances in which you can make a claim for compensation.

Your employers must therefore, by law, do everything they can to reasonably and practically ensure that there are no tripping hazards in the workplace. To uphold this, regular systems of inspection and maintenance, as well as training for all staff throughout, should be enforced. These sorts of things can eliminate the risk as much as possible of defects causing tripping hazards or debris causing similar hazards.

However, when it comes down to colleagues leaving things in a walkway – say, a box in a warehouse floor for example – your employers insurance will normally have to cover it; no questions asked. Even if the colleague has been trained not to do this kind of thing and has either ignored the training or just forgotten, your employers insurers can still be strictly liable to compensate you. To throw a technical term at you – it’s called vicarious liability.

Do YOU Have a Claim?

It takes an injury lawyer to investigate with your employers insurers as to whether your employers have failed in the important duty of care they have for you. If they have, you are entitled to claim compensation from the insurers for any injuries and losses you have sustained. You are covered for the injury itself and you are entitled to recover any lost earnings, medical expenses, travel expenses, and other losses that are a direct result of your accident and your injuries.

If you have got a claim, there is some FANTASTIC news that you need to know about – not only are you legally entitled to make a claim from your employers insurers, and as well as being legally protected from any adverse effect to your employment (you cannot be dismissed or poorly treated; if you are, you have a claim for that as well!), but the insurers will also cover your legal fees as well.

So, what does that mean for you? It means you are safe to make a claim, and you will receive 100% of your compensation if you instruct a lawyer on a Genuine No Win, No Fee basis. To define this, the paperwork must guarantee in writing, solid black and white, that fees will be sought from the other side, and limited to whatever is recovered. The second part about limiting fees is actually very rare!

Making a Claim

Making a claim is simple – get a quality specialist personal injury lawyer working on a Genuine No Win, No Fee basis to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to receive, in the shortest time possible.

Give us a call for free on 0800 634 75 75 and we will be more than happy to let you know whether you have a claim or not.

We are an ACTUAL Injury Law Firm

We’re no claims company or accident advice service. We are legally qualified to advise you, and legally qualified to represent you. So, don’t hesitate to contact us for help, advice, and quality representation!

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