Bus Injury Claims

These days we are all trying to do our bit for the environment – walking, sharing vehicles, trying the bicycle, and using the bus. Amongst the hustle and bustle of busy city life, many more of us are finding using the bus an easier and faster way to travel from A to B. You don’t have the stress of cuing in traffic or the worry of parking; it seems the perfect way to travel sometimes.

However, I can’t help but notice the increasing amount of claims for compensation as a result of a bus accidents here at The Injury Lawyers. Bus accidents can happen not only because of a collision with a third party vehicle, but they can also be a result of the negligent driving of a bus driver.

Whenever I have used the bus, most drivers are cautious to stop and start gently and ensure you have fully stepped off the bus before departing at the bus stop. Most of us are lucky and know nothing different – it seems like standard bus driver behaviour. However, unfortunately, some of us think very different about bus drivers. If you have been in an accident and sustained injuries as a result of a negligent bus driver, don’t suffer in silence – get the compensation you deserve!

Here at The Injury Lawyers we are specialists in bus accident compensation claims.  

If a bus driver has been negligent by pulling away from a bus stop too vigorously, not waited until you have stepped off the bus before pulling away, or caused a collision because of their negligent driving, you are likely to be able to make a successful claim for compensation from the bus companies insurance. If the accident was not the fault of the bus driver, then a claim can also be made against the third party driver who was at fault – we should be able to get their details from the bus company; so don’t worry if you don’t know them!

There does not need to be a collision with another vehicle for bus accidents – if you have been thrown off your seat or off your feet due to the bus driver braking or accelerating unnecessarily hard without good reason, you still may have a claim.

Claiming compensation as a result of a bus accident is so simple; here at The Injury Lawyers we do all the hard work for you to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. If you have found yourself injured as result of a bus accident, ensure that you take note of the following information to help strengthen your claim:

  • Bus vehicle registration number
  • Bus driver’s name and number
  • Bus company name and route number
  • Accident location and time
  • Names and numbers of any witnesses
  • Keep hold of any evidence of travel, such as a bus ticket

With all this information we can work together to get the compensation you deserve and help you get back on track. If you have been a victim of a bus accident don’t hesitate to contact us here at The Injury Lawyers.

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