Pre Medical Offer – Christmas

It’s that time of year again – Christmas! We are all busy buying gifts and decorating our houses and seeing family and friends. But for us here at The Injury Lawyers, it’s that time of year again for a different reason; yes, it’s Christmas – but it’s also the time of year for insurance companies to get rid of Road Traffic Injury claims as quick as possible and they use the costly Christmas period to lure clients in by offering them pre-medical offers as a final settlement payment for their claims.

For anyone at this time of year, £1,000.00 seems like a dream come true – but don’t be fooled – your claim may be worth a LOT more. Don’t let insurance companies stop you from getting the compensation that you deserve.

A pre-medical offer is a full and final offer to settle a personal injury claim before any medical evidence has been obtained or disclosed, and irrespective of what the future might bring when it comes to your continued suffering and losses. Offers can often be between the region on £1,000.00 and £1,250.00, which can often seem tempting for the client. A nice cheque of £1,000.00 laid out for you, no hassle of medical examinations, or waiting for the case to settle. But don’t be fooled as you need to consider the bigger picture before accepting any offer.

Obtaining medical evidence is not a scary process – we organise your medical appointment so all you have to do is attend and explain what problems you are having, just as if you were going to see your GP. They will then produce a medical report which reflects all your injuries, and losses that you have as a result of your accident. We then check to make sure the report is compliant and we then forward the report to you to make sure you’re happy with the report as well. See, it’s not complicated; by going through this procedure you get the right amount of compensation you deserve. Most people get far more compensation by getting a medical report; it can mean the difference between £1,000.00 for Christmas or £3,000.00 for Valentines instead!

If you do accept a pre medical offer against legal advice, and you do continue to suffer with your injuries caused by your accident, you must be aware that you cannot claim any more compensation. By accepting the pre medical offer you are accepting an offer to end your claim for compensation and placing insurance companies in a better position as they do not have to pay you the RIGHT amount of compensation.

We here at The Injury Lawyers have seen a number of our clients faced with this offer – tempting as it seems, our advice is that you should get the amount of compensation that reflects the injuries and losses that you have sustained as a result of your accident. Don’t be fooled buy insurance companies just because Christmas is looming, continue to get the right amount of compensation you deserve.

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