Passenger Injury Claims

At The Injury Lawyers, we provide hours of free legal advice each day to prospective new clients.  Our dedicated claims team with their own direct claims line telephone number are on hand every week day between 9am and 10pm, and weekends between 9am and 5pm to help you out with any potential claim you may have.

We come across a whole host of different types of claims, some of which are harder than others to advise on; however, as a specialist firm of injury lawyers, we are sure to be able to answer all your questions.  Our job is made a whole host easier though when people ring up or enquire on our website about potential injury claims where they have been a passenger in a motor vehicle – you almost have a definite claim for compensation, and there is simply not a lot more we can do other than just getting the ball rolling on your claim should you want us to do so on the very same day.

The reason you have an almost guaranteed claim is straightforward – Those who use the road owe other road users a duty of care not to injure them.  For example, as a driver you have a duty of care not to negligently cause an accident.  So, if you are a passenger in the vehicle, both the driver of the car you are in has a duty of care not to cause you injury, and any other driver owes you the same duty of care as well.

As a passenger it is most unlikely that you would have caused the accident.  You would have had to have pulled the handbrake or started to scream and shout in the drivers face to put him or her off and cause an accident; or at least something along those lines, for the accident to be held your fault.

Current law states that if you have been injured through no fault of your own, you are able to obtain compensation from the negligent party in order to put you back in the position you would have been had the accident not have happened.  What this means is that, where you are injured by a negligent third party, they could be made to pay you compensation for your injuries, losses, and the costs of medical treatment you have incurred in order to aid your recovery.

This compensation will usually be paid by the negligent party’s insurer.  Every year road users in the UK are required to purchase car insurance so that, should they be involved in an accident, there is money available to fix the vehicles involved and compensate any innocent victims who have been injured.  If you were a passenger who was injured by a negligent third party, it will be the third party’s insurer that will compensate you.  In the alternative, if you were the passenger in the vehicle in which the driver caused the accident, it will be the driver’s insurer who compensates you. 

At The Injury Lawyers we sometimes find that some people with great prospects of a passenger injury claim do not wish to pursue it because their friend or family member was the driver and they do not want to be suing them.  Whilst it is an understandable viewpoint, what you have to consider is that it will be the insurer that pays the compensation, not the driver, and this is the precise reason we have insurance in the first place.

For further advice on a potential passenger injury claim get in touch today on 0800 634 75 75.

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