Slipping Accidents

As we are all manically dashing around trying to finish off our Christmas shopping, we sometimes can forget about where we are walking – I’m not talking about carelessly bumping into people in a mad rush to get the last item on the shelf; I’m talking about not watching what we are walking on. As winter brings the wet and cold weather, it can cause the floor to become a lot more dangerous than we anticipate, and can sometimes cause some people serious injuries in the event of accidents.

Slipping due to the floor being wet is one of the most common claims for compensation we see here at The Injury Lawyers.

We advise and assist numerous clients and aim to get the maximum compensation that they deserve. After all, slipping due to the negligence of whoever is responsible for the premises you are is not your fault. Failing to maintain the floor to a safe standard is not something you can control, and you should be compensated for any injuries you end up with.

Slipping on a wet floor can cause some serious injuries such as broken bones, cuts and grazes, sprains, tendon damage, and sometimes even whiplash can occur. In order to get you back to a normal way of life, not only do we get you the maximum compensation that you deserve, but we here at The Injury Lawyers offer private medical treatment at no cost to you to help you get back on your feet again. This is quite rare with other law firms, and we find that it can really make a difference to injured victims at the start of the claim when they get access to private treatment for their injuries.

If you slip on the wet floor of a shop, supermarket, shopping centre entrance, or any other public place, you can make a claim for compensation under the Occupiers Liability Act.

The Occupiers Liability Act states that the proprietor of premises has an important duty of care to ensure that you are safe when using their premises. This duty of care may include providing a system of regular inspections and maintenance of the floor, especially in the winter season when the dangers of wet floors are almost unavoidable. Sometimes there may be wet floor signs used as warnings to ensure that you are fully aware of the wet floor, allowing you to walk carefully and safely in order to avoid accidents.

So, there are a few pointers about wet floor accidents; but how do you determine whether you have a claim or not? Unfortunately it is often hard to determine right from the onset whether you have a successful claim or not. Investigations need to be done to determine whether the Defendant had done all they could to prevent you from slipping and injuring yourself.  If the Defendant responsible for the flooring cannot prove that they did all they could to reduce the risk of you falling and causing injury, e.g. by not having a good system of inspection or maintenance in place, then you may have a successful claim for compensation.

If you have been injured as a result of falling due to wet floor don’t hesitate and contact us here at The Injury Lawyers for free legal advice and we may be able to obtain the maximum compensation that you deserve – as well as sort you out with private medical care at no cost to you.

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