Whiplash Claims Injuries

I don’t think I am making any ground shaking revelations when I tell you that Christmas is quite possibly the most stressful period of the year. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day! We appear to spend most of our time between work and trawling through endless shops looking for gifts for our family members and friends. With the weather worsening over the colder seasons, road accidents increase; and with the increase in road accidents comes the increase in people needing to make claims for whiplash over the festive period. Suffering from whiplash is a further stress during this busy time!

So, what is it that causes whiplash?

Whiplash occurs as a result of being jolted forward from the impact; however as you are wearing your seatbelt, the jolt from the impact in most circumstances is on the neck. The full extent of your whiplash injuries does often not become apparent until sometime after the accident.

It is only as time progresses after the injury and the muscles begin to relax where the full extent of injuries become known to you. This is why, in light of this information, it is imperative not to forget or fail to give your accident your full attention, because you may very well be able to claim compensation for your injuries should the other driver be at fault for the accident.

A whiplash injury is very easy to get after an impact or sudden stop in a road accident. In the majority of instances, it’s a simple inevitability that you will end up suffering with it. to make life even more complicated, it is a very difficult injury to predict, and it’s difficult to treat in a sense of the fact there is no miracle cure.

If you are unfortunate enough to be the subject of a car accident, and as a result has left you with pain and stiffness throughout your body, in particular the neck, back, and shoulders, you may have a claim for compensation.

You may also suffer from muscle spasms, headaches and restricted movement with a whiplash injury, and potentially in more serious circumstances you may experience relentless muscle spasms, sickness and dizziness, and even tingling in the fingers – formally known as paresthesia.

It is important to understand that all these symptoms of whiplash are recoverable by making a personal injury claim from the insurers of the driver at fault. We as personal injury specialists can advise you and aid you throughout the entirety of your claim, giving you the relative peace of mind to enjoy the festive period knowing your claim is in safe hands.

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