The Injury Lawyers – Why Choose Us!?

Aside from our unique Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement that unlike most other law firms actually guarantees in writing that you cannot be charged, and the private medical care we offer at no charge to our clients, or the fact that we are expert injury only lawyers, there is another reason why we believe we are the right people to handle your claim for compensation.

It’s not top secret and it’s not some Jedi mind trick; in fact, it’s something so simple that we are a little confused as to why other lawyers don’t do the same thing.

Simply put – we are nice to our clients!

There are many law firms out there who still share the outdated view that as an intelligent and a “high up” solicitor they are better than the general public and feel the need to speak down to their clients. There are some firms that pay referral fees to have your case – they don’t have the time or resources to be nice with you either. In fact, I’ve seen some examples of what I’d call just damn rude lawyers!

We have always done things differently here at The Injury Lawyers – we pride ourselves on that fact. We treat our clients with the respect and dignity they deserve. We’re more than happy to have a nice little chat with you whilst we are updating you, and we will only ever speak to you in plain and simple English; we’re not in to confusing you with big words and confusing legal jargon. Ultimately, we’re here to help you – so we will help you in the best way we can.

Our team is very friendly and always approachable. Our clients will tell you that they will always get a friendly and efficient service when they need to call us to discuss their cases; although we update our clients around every 14 days anyway, so they’re always in the loop with the progress of their claims.

You can get hold of us anytime between 9am and 10pm on all weekdays and 9am – 5pm on weekends – so we’re pretty accessible as well.

So, if you’re concerned about making a claim through the fear of what it’s like to speak to or instruct a lawyer and have a legal representative working for you, you shouldn’t fear at all. Just give us a call and we will firstly be more than happy to help you out with some free, no obligation and friendly legal advice. You’ll find that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to dealing with a professional law firm like us – we often joke that we should be calling ourselves The Nice Lawyers! And that is not even some daft attempt at humour – we have seriously discussed it!

As an independent firm of specialist personal injury lawyers, we have but one thing on our minds – you. You are the injured victim. You are suffering the physical pain and perhaps even mental pain or even some degree of financial loss as a direct result of your suffering as well. All this was brought through no fault of your own, and you have the right to claim your compensation for what you are, or have been, going through. The problem is that you need someone to do all this for you; we are the solution to all of your problems.

To speak with one of our friendly claims team, simply call 0800 634 75 75 and we will be more than happy to help you out.

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