Whiplash Compensation Claims

As of April 2010, claiming for compensation for whiplash caused by a straightforward road traffic accident just got a whole lot easier.  A new process was introduced which has cut drastically the length of time a claim takes to settle. 

Under the old system you could be waiting nearly 4 months just simply for an admission of liability from the negligent third party, and then you would still have to go about obtaining medical evidence and enter into negotiations with the other side to see if a settlement could be reached.  Nowadays, an admission of liability can be received within a couple of weeks and your claim settled in a couple of months!

The first stage in this new claiming process is to submit a Claim Notification Form.  This a simple form that you can go through with an expert injury lawyer on your side which details your accident, those involved in your accident, and the injuries you suffered from.  The form itself takes about 15-20 minutes to complete, and once you are happy with it, it is submitted to the Defendant’s insurer who has just 1 business day to acknowledge it. 

Once the Claims Notification Form is acknowledged, the insurer is allowed a further 15 business days to admit or deny liability.  Importantly, the 15 business days is a maximum amount of time and an admission of liability could actually be received in 2 days.  The good thing with road traffic accidents is that it is usually abundantly clear who is at fault for the accident, and there is no reason why an admission of liability should be confirmed soon.

When liability is admitted, your quality injury lawyer will arrange for you to attend a medical appointment at a time and place convenient for you in order for a legal medical report to be completed.  This will, with your permission, be disclosed to the Defendant and will highlight the nature of severity of your injuries and show that they are a result of the index accident.  On this basis it will be clear to the Defendant that there is an obligation for them to provide you with compensation and your injury lawyer will therefore strive to get you the maximum compensation you deserve (well that is certainly the case here at The Injury Lawyers!)

Not only do we vow to get you the maximum compensation you deserve, we work under what we call a genuine no win, no fee agreement which means that you actually will not be charged whatsoever for your claim irrelevant of whether you win or lose the case.  If you win your claim you get to keep 100% of your compensation, and we will seek to recover our costs from the Defendant; if we lose, though highly unlikely, some of our losses are covered by insurance and any other losses we simply write off.

Get in touch with us today for some free and expert legal advice should you have been unfortunate to have been involved in a road traffic accident within the last three years.

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