Stair Injury Claims

Believe it or not the amount of accident which arise on or about stairwells are consistently increasing with each passing year. In light of this it is important to understand then that if you are ever so unfortunate as to suffer an injury on a flight of stairs and you are adamant that the accident occurred as a direct result of another parties negligence, you may have every right to bring a successful claim and as such recover adequate compensation for your injuries.

It is imperative to understand that the nature surrounding potential avenues to claim under defected stairwells are numerous. Let’s take the workplace for a predominant example. Under these circumstances the employer of any business which hires employees are under a direct legal obligation to ensure that any staircases within their establishment are compliant with all the necessary health and safety checks to ensure that they are adequately protected from any potential legal repercussion.

Such health and safety include providing an assurance that all staircases well lighted particularly in areas which are mostly susceptible to visual difficulty in addition to making sure that appropriate handrails are provided for ease of climbing and support. It is also worth mentioning that employers must carry out consistent checks to ensure that the stairwells are always safe for usage, it is not enough to test them once and believe that that is enough.

Parallel to employers; organisations and public houses are also vulnerable to legal repercussions should they ever fail to provide safe access and usage of stairwells to all members of the public who may pass through their establishment on a day to day basis, as they all have a duty of care to their clientele.

Another potential avenue for claim as a result of defected stairways may be brought against building companies and indeed the council, if it is found that any work which is undertaken in the claimant’s house is deemed to be defected for whatever reason so long as it can be directly linked to the Defendant there is every chance of a successful claim.

Lastly you yourself may be the unfortunate recipient of a negligence claim should you ever invite a visitor onto your premises and whilst in your house they suffer an injury whilst climbing the stairs and it is argued that the accident could have been avoided had you taken reasonable steps to ensure that the stairs were at all times objectively safe to use.

With this in mind then, if you have ever suffered an injury in any of the aforementioned circumstances you may have every opportunity of successfully claiming for negligence and as a result receiving substantial compensation for your loss.

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