Severe Trauma Injury Claim

Our name is a bit of a giveaway about what we specialise in; as The Injury Lawyers, we represent clients for personal injury cases, and nothing else! Because we specialise in all forms of injury claims, we think we’re the best choice for any sort of claim – whether it’s a straightforward soft tissue injury, to broken bones and severe trauma injuries.

If you are unfortunate enough to be suffering with a severe injury, you will probably be considering the avenue of making a claim a little more carefully – ultimately, your claim could be worth a lot of money, which means two things – 1. You want to make sure you get 100% of the maximum amount you are entitled to claim for; and 2. The insurers for the other side will not want to pay you a huge sum of compensation as it costs them a lot of money – they are far more likely to try and defend your claim and reduce your payout by any means they possibly can.

What I’m saying here is that if you have suffered a serious injury, you need, and I mean NEED, a specialist personal injury lawyer representing you for your claim to make sure you miss out on nothing. So, here is a guide as to what you should look for in your injury lawyer:

100% Compensation Guaranteed – The Genuine No Win, No Fee.

Firstly, we lawyers will only ever take on a case if we think we have a good enough chance of winning it; however, if we think it’s a difficult claim we may still help you out if you are seriously injured. What you need to make sure is that the agreement confirms that if the case loses, you owe nothing – not a single penny – to your lawyers. There should be no fees, costs incurred, insurance premiums no nothing – no bills to pay whatsoever!

If the case wins, you need to make sure that you will get 100% of your compensation, and you need to make sure that this is backed up and guaranteed in writing in the agreement you enter in to. Most standard agreements normally say that your solicitor will only seek to recover your legal fees back from the other side. With a Genuine Agreement, it shouldn’t end there – it should have an extra part to say that they will restrict their fees to the amount which they recover from the other side. This essentially means that your lawyer writes off an unrecovered fees meaning you get to keep all 100% of your compensation without the risk of having to pay a huge legal bill that couldn’t be settled with the other side.

Specialist Injury Lawyer

As I kind of mentioned before, you need a specialist personal injury lawyer you can trust to fight tooth and nail for the maximum payout possible. With a serious injury, the other side are far more likely to try and defend the claim, or partly pin the blame on you to reduce the payout award, or scrutinise the seriousness of your injury and your losses incurred to save as much money as they possibly can for themselves. That, ladies and gentlemen, is just the way that it is.

What you need to make sure of is that the lawyer representing you for your case has years and years of specialist experience in dealing with serious injury claims. You need a lawyer who isn’t afraid to take on the insurance companies and make sure you receive the maximum amount of compensation you are legally entitled to receive. You need a lawyer who is smart enough to out think his / her opponent and win any legal battles during the course of the claim.

Choose carefully – do your research and homework, and make sure you get the best lawyer you possibly can. Or just call us on 0800 634 75 74 because we personally think we can easily offer you the best service and legal expertise possible!

Medical Treatment

Serious injuries usually need some serious medical assistance – fast! We offer private medical care for all of our clients and it doesn’t cost you a penny. If we win the case, we will get the fees paid for by the other side, and if it loses, the fees are covered by insurance.

So, as well as the usual stuff you have to do, like R.I.C.E – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation – or the usual medication you are provided with, what you don’t have to do is wait around on lengthy NHS waiting lists to get the treatment you need right away. It’s all sorted with a good injury lawyer like us!

What To Do!

If you have been involved in an accident that was caused through no fault of your own, and you are looking for a law firm with particular proven expertise in dealing with high value, multi-million pound, and serious injury cases, we recommend that you speak with us as soon as you can.

Just call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 for a friendly, informal, no obligation chat about your accident and injuries.

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