Work Accident Compensation Claim Lawyer

We are The Injury Lawyers – and we think our name says it all. We are THE INJURY LAWYERS, meaning we only deal with personal injury compensation claims, so we can offer you a more specialist service and a lawyer with specialist experience and skills. To narrow it down a little more, we specialise in all forms of personal injury claims; with work accident compensation claims making up a large percentage of our client base.

So, if you’ve had an accident at work, and you’re looking for a work accident compensation claim lawyer, look no further, and take note of this three part guide that will fill you in on what you need to know.

1. Your Position and Employment is Protected

The first thing that commonly makes people think twice about making a claim against their employer is the affect a claim could have on their employment. In times of financial hardship, people worry that their jobs could be on the line if they were to sue their employers.

Trust me when I say there is literally no need for you to panic. You are protected by law and you cannot be sacked or treated any differently for making a claim against your employer. If this were to happen, you would have another simple claim against them for unfair dismissal if you lost your job, or perhaps constructive dismissal if you feel you had to leave after the way you were being treated. So for this reason, you shouldn’t worry – your employers know the law, and they would be stupid to attempt anything unsavoury

Plus, your employer has a legal obligation to have a policy of employers liability insurance to cover their employees for making claims. It’s not actually your employers that pay out: it’s the insurers! The insurance exists for employees injured in the line of duty to claim from, so it’s perfectly natural and normal to make a claim from it. It’s there to be used.

Furthermore, we find nowadays most employers are quite happy for you to make a claim from the insurance. After all, you’ve been hurt in the line of duty for them, and they have insurance for you to claim from. We often find nowadays people call us and actually tell us their employers advised them to talk to a No Win, No Fee lawyer and make a claim! This is great, as it’s an amicable process anyway, and our job is to simply ensure your interests are protected.

2. It Shouldn’t Cost You a Penny

This is of course entirely dependent on the No Win, No Fee agreement you enter in to. If the claim loses, you should not have to pay a single penny to your lawyers. If it wins, you should receive 100% compensation with no costs to pay as all your lawyers legal fees are recovered from the insurance directly.

Yes, that’s right – your employers insurance even covers your legal fees for making a claim!

With a Genuine Agreement, it shouldn’t end there – it should have an extra part to say that they will restrict their fees to the amount which they recover from the other side. This essentially means that your lawyer writes off any unrecovered, fees meaning you get to keep all 100%; guaranteed.

3. There’s More Than Just the Money

There’s more to making a claim than financial compensation you are duly owed for your injuries at work. On that side of things, you are entitled to claim a sum for the pain, suffering, and inconvenience the injury has caused you, and you are entitled to claim for any losses incurred – such as lost earnings, or travel expenses, etc.

With a good lawyer like us, we recognise that you may need treatment; fast! That’s why we can arrange funding for private medical care that can cover physiotherapy, chiropractic, or osteopathic treatment right from the start of the claim. If we win the case, we will seek to recover the fees from the insurers, and if the cases loses, we can look to recover the fees from a policy of insurance. So, in a worst case scenario, if your claim loses, at least you can get access to private medical care to help you back on the road to recovery!

If you have had an accident at work and you want to know whether you have a claim for compensation, call our free claims helpline today on 0800 634 75 75 for a friendly, no obligation chat. We will happily answer all of your queries, and start your claim on a same day basis if you are happy for us to do so. There’s no waiting around for lengthy contracts or huge legal documents – it’s simple and fast to get your claim started with us over the phone!

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