Uninsured Drivers – Compensation Claim Lawyers

If you have been injured in a car crash because of someone else’s negligence, you will usually get your compensation from their car insurer.After all car insurance is there so that if things go wrong cars can be repaired and injured people can get compensation. 

But what happens if the negligent driver doesn’t have insurance?  Don’t worryYou can still be compensated for your injuries

The difference is that you will be compensated by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) instead of the negligent drivers’ insurance company.  Let me explain more…

Each year over 1 millions drivers in the UK drive without insurance, which is illegal.  This doesn’t mean that they can get away from compensating people for their injuries if they have been negligent though.  Every year those who take out car insurance see around £15.00 to £30.00 of their premium go to the Motor Insurers’ Bureau compensation fund. 

This was set up back in 1946 so that people who have been hurt by uninsured negligent drivers can still be compensated.  It would be unjust otherwise.   All you have to do to make a claim is to report your accident to police as soon as possible and then fill in a Motor Insurers’ Bureau claim form so that they can decide whether you have a claim and decide how much compensation you should get.  If you are unsure how to do this why not instruct an expert injury lawyer with vast experience in dealing with these sorts of claims?  They can do the work for you!

At The Injury Lawyers we are experts in our field and deal with road traffic accident claims on a daily basis.  We have consistently got our clients great results and are available on our free 0800 634 75 75 number should you wish to discuss anything further. 

We are open between 9am and 10pm each weekday, and 9am and 5pm each weekend to answer any queries you may have.  If you want we can even get the ball rolling on your potential claim straightaway!

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