The Injury Lawyers Whiplash Compensation Guide

At The Injury Lawyers, we are expert injury lawyers having successfully dealt with thousands of personal injury claims over the last few years.  As such we know that whiplash is one of, if not the most, common injuries to come out of a road traffic accident.  We also realise that although people have heard of whiplash, they are not entirely sure what whiplash is and whether they are suffering from it.  Here’s a little guide:

What is whiplash?

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury that affects your head, neck, shoulder, and back area.  It is where you strain the muscles and tendons in these parts.

Do I have whiplash?

Give us a call today and we can give you an indication from what you describe to us.  But remember, we are expert injury lawyers, not medical experts, and this means although something may sound like whiplash, we cannot medically diagnose you with whiplash – only a medical expert can do this.

That said, if you come to us and advise that you have been in a car accident, and in this accident you were thrust forward and then your seatbelt pulled you back and now you are in pain, this would seemingly suggest you have whiplash. This is because whiplash occurs when your neck is suddenly and unexpectedly jerked.

Whiplash symptoms:

  • Pain, stiffness or tenderness in your neck/shoulders
  • Pins and needles in your arms
  • Shoulder pain
  • Restricted mobility
  • Headaches
  • Nausea

How long will I have whiplash for?

This entirely depends on the individual.  People who have been involved in the same accident and in the same car can suffer whiplash for varying amounts of time.  Really, how long you will suffer for depends on the severity of your accident and how resistant your body is.  The best thing to do is get yourself down to your GP or attend an NHS walk-in centre where they are better placed to let you know how long they think you will suffer for.

How can I treat my whiplash?

If you attend a medical expert they will typically provide you with painkillers.  But, depending on the severity of your whiplash, it may be that you need further treatment, for instance some physiotherapy.  Although your GP may be able to arrange this for you, at The Injury Lawyers we could possibly arrange private medical care for you at no cost to yourself.  This will save you waiting on a lengthy NHS list.  And, the reason it won’t cost you anything is because the cost can be recovered from the Defendant who will be keen for you to recover faster so that they can lessen the amount of compensation they will have to give you.

Am I entitled to compensation for my whiplash?

Only if the accident was not your fault or at least not entirely your fault.  If it was you who caused the accident you cannot claim compensation.  But, for example, if you were in a car and someone has gone into the rear of your vehicle, you were clearly not at fault and be compensated for any injuries and losses you may have suffered.

How much is my whiplash claim worth?

This depends entirely on how long you are suffering and the severity of your whiplash.  Generally, the more pain and suffering you have, the more compensation you will be entitled to.  Last year, on average whiplash claims settled for approximately £2,500.00.  A minor whiplash injury lasting 3 to 5 weeks could be worth around £1,000.00.

What should I do next?

Get in touch with us at The Injury Lawyers today on 0800 634 75 75.  We can provide you with free, no obligation legal advice.  We can assess your claim over the phone and let you know if we believe it will be successful.  If you want we can get the ball rolling on your claim today and see if we can get you fixed up with some private medical care at no cost to yourself.

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