Road Traffic Accident – Whiplash Compensation Calculator

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you are entitled to get the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve. But how much compensation can you expect to receive for your whiplash injury?

Although the amount of compensation varies from person to person, here at The Injury Lawyers we are experts in the field of whiplash compensation claims – so here is a quick guide to help determine the amount of whiplash compensation you may receive.

Obviously we here at The Injury Lawyers work harder to get you the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve. We can prove that with our high levels of service.

There are a number of factors that will determine the amount of compensation that you receive; the most important factors are physical suffering and emotional suffering. Physical suffering is the pain you have been exposed to as a result of the accident and the amount of time required for your injuries to heal. Whiplash injuries can cause a lot of pain and inconvenience to everyday life. Often it can take some people up to 6 months to recover from whiplash injuries or even longer – therefore it is important that you are compensated for this physical suffering for the time frame you are disturbed by the injury.

You can also be a victim of emotional suffering such as depression as a result of your road traffic accident. Becoming immobile along with the inconvenience that whiplash injuries can bring may cause people to become depressed due to the huge change in lifestyle. If it wasn’t for the negligence of somebody else’s actions you would not be feeling this way and therefore you deserve the maximum amount of compensation, though this is often a rare case. travel anxiety can also be a common problem.

But how much exactly can you receive for your physical suffering?

Here is some guidance to the amount of compensation you may receive for your whiplash injury:

Injury                      Recovery Period                                             Compensation

Whiplash to neck                    4 Weeks                                                          £850 – £1,000

Whiplash to neck                    1 Year                                                           £2,250 – £3,000

Whiplash to back                    2 Years                                                          £2,500 – £5,000

Whiplash                        Incomplete recovery                                         £6,000 – £12,000

This is only a guideline however.

In addition to your physical and emotional suffering you are also entitled to compensation for any other losses you have which have directly arisen from your road traffic accident. These losses will also vary from person to person. These losses can include any loss of earnings, travel expenses, any medical costs, and can even include any money used for care and assistance you may have had to receive due to the accident.

So, you can receive compensation for your injuries, any emotional suffering, and any other losses you have incurred all as a result of somebody else’s negligent actions. Here at The Injury Lawyers we aim to get you the maximum amount of compensation as we work harder for you. If you have been injured in a road traffic accident and have whiplash injuries, don’t hesitate to call today on 0800 634 75 75.

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