PIP Implants News Update

Our Specialist PIP Implant Compensation Team bringing you the latest update

Having taken on a vast number of claims to date, we have had the opportunity to speak to many of the victims of the PIP Implant scandal. From those who simply want the implants removed as a precaution, to those who have been and are suffering from adverse reactions.

Despite the news from some health professionals and experts who say the potential dangers are inconclusive, we are seeing the effects on the front line – the effects on the women who are suffering with these implants.

As a quick refresher, the PIP Implants manufactured in France were largely manufactured with industrial grade silicon that is commonly used in the production of mattresses and pillows. This grade of silicon has never been safe for implants, yet the company behind the scandal chose to cut corners (and assumedly expenses!) and hide a whole eight years worth of fraudulent operations that have ended up putting the innocent victims in serious danger.

The implants are said to have a high rupture rate; so as well as containing silicon that has so far been proven to cause adverse problems and reactions, some implants are likely to rupture.

Ultimately, the health and wellbeing of all victims is the first and foremost priority. We have been recommending that all our clients and the people we speak to seek medical assistance to help with their decision making process. But we personally believe that, given the evident dangers, all women should be entitled to the right of removal and replacement at no cost to them. That’s where we come in.

Current Affairs

We were concerned to learn from our own clients that some medical groups are forcing patients to sign an agreement that waives their rights to legal action, and also acts as a gagging order to prevent them talking to the press, in exchange for a reduced fee for replace and removal operations. Naturally, we are disgusted at the move.

A story that has also been highlighted in the news (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9045127/Breast-implant-scandal-waive-legal-rights-clinic-demands.html), one such example, The Hospital Medical Group, will only offer reduced cost corrective surgery if the patient signs a “Patient Agreement Form”. This prevents any legal redress thereafter, and prevents any discussion with the press.

Given the serious affects that the implants have been shown to have so far, many victims simply want their implants out; and who could blame them? So when your medical group tells you they will do it for a reduced price, so long as you sign an agreement preventing any compensation being paid to you for the costs you are having to pay through no fault of your own, and the pain, suffering, and worry that has come with the whole scandal, what are you meant to do?

It’s putting people in an impossible situation with many having to turn it down and getting corrective surgery elsewhere at full price; which I imagine is going to save THMG a heck of a lot of money; which is probably the point. Rather than putting the health and needs of their own patients first, they would rather save themselves as much money as possible.

Personally we believe this agreement is entirely unenforceable, with many of our colleague law firms taking the same stance. You are essentially under pressure to sign the agreement, which can ultimately make it an unenforceable contract. We are looking at proverbial blackmail! As if the worry of this whole scandal isn’t enough without being faced with such terrible decisions.


Call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75, and with a few simple questions answered we can tell you in minutes whether we believe you have a claim for compensation or not.

Whether your implant is ruptured or not, we are taking on claims now using our Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement. You are entitled to claim compensation for the costs of removal and replacement as well as the associated suffering from having to undergo further surgery.

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