Roundabout Accident Compensation Lawyers

My experience tells me that some people find using roundabouts daunting.  Roundabouts can be of varying size – some have traffic lights on them and some are busier than others.  Because of this some people get nervous on approaching a roundabout and some people go further than this and take a route which avoids roundabouts altogether. 

This uncertainty or ‘fear’ of roundabouts can unfortunately cause accidents and at The Injury Lawyers we have successfully dealt with many roundabout accident claims.  If you were not at fault for your accident, you could well be entitled to compensation.

One of the most common problems with roundabouts, particularly those drivers are not familiar with them, is that people are unsure which lane they should be in and start to hesitate or make rash decisions.  This can cause accidents because you either get cut up by someone switching lanes or if someone suddenly stops someone else may go into the back of this vehicle. 

Here are a few types of roundabout accident claims which are likely to be successful:

  • You are stationary in a queue of traffic to get onto a roundabout when someone negligently collides into the rear of your vehicle because they were driving too fast when approaching the roundabout
  • You are going round the roundabout when someone thinks they have enough time to pull out but they are mistaken and collide into your vehicle
  • Someone realises they are in the wrong lane and swaps into your lane without noticing you and collides with your vehicle

These are just a few examples of roundabout accident claims that we at The Injury Lawyers have successfully dealt with.  In the above, you are likely to excellent prospects of a successful claim if you have been injured because the accident was not your fault.  In particular, if you were a passenger in any of the vehicles involved in the above examples, you almost have a ‘dead cert’ of a successful claim because they accident clearly was not your fault.

If you want some further free legal advice then give one of our friendly team a call today for free on 0800 634 75 75 and we will try and answer any queries you may have.

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