PIP News Update – PIP Patients are being FAILED by their Medical Groups

Since this whole scandal came to light, we have spoken to countless victims of the PIP implant problem and taken on a significant number of compensation claims over the last few months.

Our Specialist PIP Compensation Team have been growing increasingly concerned over the sheer number of people who are reporting that their medical groups and clinics have been treating them entirely inappropriately.

It’s fair to say that a good 99% of the people we speak to have all shared their horror stories of how their clinic has failed them in some way.

The common trends are:

  • Clinics and surgeons taking weeks, if not months to confirm if the patient has the PIP implants inside of them.
  • Medical records being lost and / or misplaced.
  • People being told there is “nothing that can be done” and simply passed off to the NHS or elsewhere.
  • Clinics demanding cash for scans that could prove vital to the health and wellbeing of the patient of a rupture is suspected.

The worst is yet to come. A concerning amount of people who are being examined are being given the all clear, with surgeons confirming they are confidence that the patients have not had, nor are they at any risk of a rupture. However, when a scan is eventually provided either by the NHS or the patient pushing their clinic for further medical confirmation, serious ruptures are being identified.

Whilst we are aware that ultrasound scans, the common method of scan for the implants, are not always entirely accurate, we are getting confirmation from a large number of our clients confirming that their ultrasound results are conclusive of a rupture. MRS scans are better at identifying any ruptures or leaks, but they are not as readily available as the ultrasounds, and are far more costly.

It’s gravely concerning to learn that so many women are being told their implants are not ruptured when the realty is they are.

Whilst the news reports about the scandal have potentially flared some paranoia amongst anyone who has had the implants, you know your body, and you can feel when something isn’t right.

A lot of people are being physically examined and given the all clear, but have fortunately soldiered on for a second opinion with either another consultant external to the original clinic or by way of a scan – and ruptures are being identified.

Whilst we do not want to cause any alarm for anyone who has been cleared already, we urge you for the sake of your own health to seek a second opinion and get a scan. It’s important to have any ruptured implants removed as soon as possible to reduce any further damage caused by the illegal grade silicon they contain.

If you have concerns or you are having difficulty in getting a scan with the NHS or your clinic, call our free helpline on 0800 634 75 75 and we will try and assist. If you have already paid for a scan, make sure you keep any receipts or invoices as we will look to include the costs of these as part of your compensation claim and make sure you are fully reimbursed.

We are also more than happy to help any of our clients who have faced difficulty with their clinic so far.

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